>race....) I want to ask about one question, is there Yin and Yang, a sort of
>I-tuang (I-ching) in Kralorela of Glorantha?
Well, the concept exists in the east in general. Revealed Mythologies mentioned the a ying & yang equivalent, though I can't bring myself to remember their names. Maybe they are comparable to the male consiousness and female conciousness mentioned in recent orlanthi-books? I'm sure that we can find space in Kralorela as well. I'm also sure that it matters more to the rural population than to the ruling philosofical elite. Mandarins may think that division of the world in male and female principles in one of the foundations of Illusion.
Dragon's do not have gender and dragonewts don't have them either (or have five depending which deranged scholar you believe) . As shown by the way that mandarins handle divorce cases, mandarins hold some importance to the opinions of the women too. Women constitute about half of the population of Kralorela so they are also a big part in the draconic constutuencies. However, the point of a draconic wisdom is not to wisdom is not to wrap yourself in false perceptions, but to transcend the human way of thought entirely. Wisdom says that people are beings who can become dragons!
I'm sure that there are all sorts of pseudo-mystical traditions that may help you if you need your fortune told and there must also be thousands of people willing to take benefit from the gullibility of simple folk. I'm sure that the gender principles (I still can't remember their names) are very important to several cult etc., but as far as the dragon-mystics are concerned, they aren't that important except as a way to classify the illusionary nature of the world.
Remember that you can use the Kralori calender as a example of the rich traditions of that great country. It is also mentined in HW that the kralori have a runic system that rivals the system developed in the Holy Country as a synthesis of local, orlanthi and godlearner systems. This implies that the kralori must have some pretty serious theories about the nature of Glorantha. This may be similar to the taoist/neo-taoist system of ying&yang, elements and their interactions. Maybe you should study this possibility. RM also has some bits to add that I can't remember.
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
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