>Well, if it comes to that, if the Kingdom of War took over,
>that'd destroy the Dara Happans just as thoroughly and a
>lot more quickly.
This is true, and it's why the KoW is so bad, much worse than Pentans, or Orlanthi. In fact, a lot like Chaos. Hmm... makes you think, doesn't it? (well it does for me, anyway.)
>On the other hand, if the Ogres took over, it'd just mean
>that the top rank of aristocracy liked to murder their
>enemies and eat them,
Sigh. The whole point of Ogres is they don't just eat their enemies. They eat people because they have to. Being enemies has nothing to do with it. They also interbreed with humans (because actualy of course, they realy _are_ basicaly humans). This is obviously much worse than Pentans as many DH noble families probably have Pentan blood there somewhere and manage to get along ok; Not so with Ogres.
>Krarsht is an extreme case, since it's a cult specifically
>bent on screwing things up--though even then, it's subtle
>and long-term screwage. For all we know, Krarsht may
>*already* be running Dara Happa--it'll just take a thousand
>years for the effects to show!
Whatever, but if they do run Dara Happa, they're totaly doomed in a way it wouldn't be if any of it's non-chaotic enemies beat them. Nit picking about how log it would take before total wipeout became obvious doesn't change the fact.
>(I wonder how Zorak Zoran feels about ogres? Murderous,
>eat their enemies, worship a demon... heck, they're
>practically family!)
Troll _do_not_ hunt their own people for food. This is a basic missunderstanding of Troll behaviour. They eat their dead as a funeral rite, but if they were starving they wouldn't routinely consider killing each other for food to be acceptable. An ogre troll (if there were such a thing) would _have_ to kill other trolls for food merely to survive. Even as outsiders though, they would clearly understand the difference between what ogres do and what they do.
James Frusetta :
>I agree with your point about "who worries about such
>things" -- which is why I would disagree with your
>point on trolls.
My point was about 'destruction of the universe'. I thought I gave plenty of more immediate reasons for seeing that (in general) chaotic enemies are obviously worse than non-chaotic ones.
>Why would *trolls* be sweating the difference? Humans
>are fine when you enslave them. Broo aren't. There's a
>difference, but I doubt the average troll really
>thinks much about this.
Unless it becomes an issue. Faced with broo who have surrendered, how many trolls who "don't think about this much" would consider taking them as slaves, do you think? Would the answer be different if the captives were humans? If so, then clearly most trolls understand the difference, and it affects their behaviour. Likewise if a band of chaotics were spotted moving through clan territory in one area and Yelmies in another, 9 times out of 10 the trolls would target the chaotics first.
>why would Johnny Uz be able to do this
>either? Solars are bad. Chaos is bad. etc. ...
Yes, it would only become an issue when making actual choices was required, but I think the vast majority of Uz would show through their actions that in practice they very well know the difference between chaotic and non-chaotic opponents. I suppose the problem then becomes, how do they know an opponent is chaotic or not, and of course there may be forms of chaos they aren't familiar with. I don't think that's the issue though.
>The average troll has nothing to do with humans, broo, and
>so on, and so it's an abstract question -- and trolls
>rarely sweat abstract questions...
If your point is that, when they don't think about these things, trolls don't worry about whether a foes is chaotic or not, you're certainly right. However I'm not sure exactly how usefull that bit of information is. I'd rather know how trolls behave when it becomes an actual issue they have to deal with.
I don't think that Chaos being realy, realy bad is an amazing, novel discovery that only Sartarites have managed to work out.
Simon Hibbs
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