> Terra Incognita:
> > I am not certain as you. :-) More and more we researched about RW
> > of metaphysics like Yin and Yang, we struggle more for the coincidence
> > difference of RW and Glorantha. Yin and Yang is much concept of
> > in RW, at it is very mundane and not have much to do with so-called
> > of "mysticism" in Glorantha.
> In the context of this discussion, it seems to me that we're dealing with
> the Taoist/Han Synthesis sense, which is Yin/Yang as a cosmic duality,
> rather than the details of how those details might "manifest", surely.
What is Han? (It is difficult for japanese to comprehend only through western-style phonemics for we have mainly grasped chinese notions through characters and glyphs....)
(American Heritage Dictionary)
1: A member of the principal ethnic group of China, constituting about 93
percent of the population, especially as distinguished from Manchus,
Mongols, Huis, and other minority nationalities. Also called Chinese, Han
2: A Chinese dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D. 220) noted for unifying and expanding its national territory and for promoting literature and the arts.
For a reference, I-tuang was greatly codified as philosophical and metaphysical canon in Sung Dynasty on the contrary of the rather shamanic (or taoistic) analysis in Han Dynasty.
> My own notion of how the Kralori might see this as the ascending and
> descending principles, respectively "kra" and "lo", both seen as
> dragons. (Resemblence to the name of the country not coincidental.)
> Or as I think it was Greg that put it, the in-breath and out-breath
> of the Cosmic Dragon.
Very Interesting. In Glorantha, I think fundamental duality exists somewhere between "Chaos (Orxilli?) and Law (Ancestral Dragons?)", and gender in each culture.
> > Dragonewts don't think they can become dragons,
> They don't?
They = Kralori. Sorry for my poor english.
Kralori Celestiology:
I have some hypotheses for Kralori constellations.
Very difficult work, for the difference between Glorantha and RW, (not much sense with zodiac, celestial globe for the difference....but far more simple. Except constellations under hinges to north and south.) In RW china, planets are very important for five planets represent five elements, Venus = Metal, Mercury = Water, Mars = Fire, Saturn = Earth, Jupiter = Wood. Jupiter is important among them. (But in Glorantha, only four planets are in Sun Path....Maybe Lokarnos is important for their ancient timekeeping.....)
Anyway, I will revise my old stellar notes if I have more free time, with the help of Stephen Martin's Sky analysis in Drastic Resolution: Prax and Nick Brooke's Ephemeris.
I still don't understand the movement of Southpath and Eastern Mouth and Dodging Gate.....it seems very erratic, would you explain about it? And calculation requirement for Nick's Ephemeris?
And maybe it will touch that Nick's ten things he hates about Glorantha. I can't understand why there is difference of sky scheme in each areas in Glorantha.....Maybe it is related to the document in Strangers in Prax "horizon of Glorantha."
I think somehow Ancient Calendar of Kralorela for Six Ancestral Dragons...Thought, Experience, Secret, Spirit, Being and Silence defines Kralori view to their ancient tradition against solar calendar of Gloranthan other area....related to new concepts to Eight Pillars and Five Elements, Claude Manzato might have some good idea for it.....
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