I play that some of the Dara Happan aristocracy do this anyway. Not in a barbaric way, but in a nice and civilised way.
Simon Hibbs:
> Troll _do_not_ hunt their own people for food.
Except for the Kaarg Sons who had to eat a relative once a season. Or has this changed now? It was a Rune Lord requirement in the bad old days. Maybe trolls are a lot nicer now than they used to be.
> This is a
> basic missunderstanding of Troll behaviour. They eat their
> dead as a funeral rite, but if they were starving they
> wouldn't routinely consider killing each other for food
> to be acceptable.
Except for Food Trollkin, but perhaps they are not trolls and don't count?
> James Frusetta :
> >Why would *trolls* be sweating the difference? Humans
> >are fine when you enslave them. Broo aren't. There's a
> >difference, but I doubt the average troll really
> >thinks much about this.
> Unless it becomes an issue. Faced with broo who have
> surrendered, how many trolls who "don't think about this
> much" would consider taking them as slaves, do you think?
> Would the answer be different if the captives were humans?
> If so, then clearly most trolls understand the difference,
> and it affects their behaviour. Likewise if a band of
> chaotics were spotted moving through clan territory in one
> area and Yelmies in another, 9 times out of 10 the trolls
> would target the chaotics first.
I would agree - trolls would kill the chaos most times and if they had time they would kil the Yelmies afterwards, unless they were too gorged after eating the chaots.
> >The average troll has nothing to do with humans, broo, and
> >so on, and so it's an abstract question -- and trolls
> >rarely sweat abstract questions...
> If your point is that, when they don't think about these
> things, trolls don't worry about whether a foes is chaotic
> or not, you're certainly right. However I'm not sure
> exactly how usefull that bit of information is. I'd rather
> know how trolls behave when it becomes an actual issue
> they have to deal with.
Trolls go to their worship ceremonies and see their Shamans ripping the skins off live broos and making them into magical drums to beat when Chaos approaches. They learn several things from this kind of thing:
1. Broos are our enemies 2. There is a thing called Chaos that is also our enemy 3. Don't have a full meal before worshipping.
Simon (The other one)
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