>Except for Food Trollkin, but perhaps they are not
>trolls and don't count?
Exactly, yes. Although this gives the nice idea that
*some* trolls say, "wait, they're uz when we want it
to count, and not when we don't? This is wrong!" : )
>Trolls go to their worship ceremonies and see their
>Shamans ripping the skins off live broos [snip] This
>teaches them:
>1. Broos are our enemies
>2. There is a thing called Chaos that is also our
>3. Don't have a full meal before worshipping.
Of course not! If you're full, you won't have room to eat them de-skinned broo. Num!
And Greg Wrote:
>I am not sure that trolls rarely sweat abstract
>questions. Perhaps this depends upon the subtle
>meaning of "abstract" but I know that many
>trolls DO sweat the abstractions.
Heck, I may well be wrong, so good to know now!
I'm going off something Sandy used to say about uz, that they tend to look at how something concerns *them* and their family, rather than an "abstract" quality of a thing. Knowledge is interesting because it affects a troll, not for its own quality.
If ZZ fire is different than regular fire could be important, yah, if it affected them. But something that doesn't concern them in some way isn't as interesting (for 85% of trolls, as it were <grin>). To be honest, I'd apply this to a couple of the points you raise, too: how many trolls really care "If scorpionmen that eat only vegetables less chaotic than those that eat intelligent beings?" Eh, My glorantha is apparently varying. <laugh>
If I'm wrong, of course, I'm wrong.
>Trolls are acutely aware of chaos, of its meanings
>and implications and objectives, and have nothing but
>loathing, hatred and contempt for all things
Which probably puts paid to my argument with Simon.
<laugh> Curses!
To clarify, then, and to shut Andrew and I up <laugh>, is it the canonical statement that most people in all cultures in Glorantha do regard Chaos as the Ultimate Foe before anything and all else? (And if not, who are the exceptions?)
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