> I think somehow Ancient Calendar of Kralorela for Six Ancestral
> Dragons...Thought, Experience, Secret, Spirit, Being and Silence defines
> Kralori view to their ancient tradition against solar calendar of Gloranthan
> other area....related to new concepts to Eight Pillars and Five Elements,
> Claude Manzato might have some good idea for it.....
Somehow I see Kralorela as both culturaly unified and fragmented... they have an 'universal' set of value, and uncounted local variations or exception. In the same way, the ruling class know that they follow the only true way, but are willing to tolerate wrong doctrines (unless they openly jeopardize the rightful order) because the common multitude can't be expected to avoid the many traps of the material world. In time they will see the light. So I think there is room in Kralorela for more calendar than the official one, used by the magistrates. Cults, minorities, remote aeras would have their own calendar and most kralorelan inherit a surprising mental agility for converting dates between diverses calendars. Maybe sometimes it takes some time before two kralorelan find a common reference between the calendars they are using ... giving the erudite an advantage by their knowledge of the official, empire-wide one. Same could be true for measure units, money, etc... I didn't think about others eastern areas because I don't know them well. Okay I don't know much about official Kralorela either, but it doesn't prevent me from exploring! http://perso.club-internet.fr/manzato/pagepersocm/runequest/rq42.html
> I think they would have ritualised combat to determine who would probably win
> in a real fight, then if this is inconclusive, have a real fight. I do not
> think they go for FIFO, LIFO, "finder's keepers losers weepers" or any other
> formal arrangement other than the traditonal Praxian method of "might is right".
In my campaign, each clan has a war champion: http://perso.club-internet.fr/manzato/pagepersocm/runequest/rq31.html When two clans have to resolve such a dispute, the respective war champions fight one on one to settle the matter. I think such contests and raiding would be the most usual way of competing. Given the living condition in Prax wars are too costly and battles an expensive luxury, this would be rare and memorable events for any nomad.
The only thing that the rich are willing for the poor to call theirs, and keep. " Ambrose Bierce: the Devil's dictionnary
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