>----- ------- Original Message ------- -----
>From: glorantha-request_at_rpglist.org
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>Today's Topics:
> 1. Which Volcano god(ess)(e)(s) ? (Julian Lord)
> 2. Man-skin too soft. Broo skin better!
> 3. Continuing Chaos Guff (James Frusetta)
> 4. And more troll guff (Phipp & Greg) (James
> 5. Scotscon - Freeform Sign-ups Soon (Graham
> 6. Kra and Lo(r). (Alex Ferguson)
> 7. Re: Glorantha digest, Vol 9 #500 - 7 msgs
>(Claude Manzato)
>-- __--__--
>Message: 1
>Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 13:24:26 +0200
>From: Julian Lord <jlord_at_free.fr>
>To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Subject: Which Volcano god(ess)(e)(s) ?
>Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Reviewing information on the Volcano god(ess)(e)(s)
>of Caladraland, I discover and the fact that the
>literature refers to the goddess Caladra, the god
>Caladril, the god Calandra, and the goddess Caladra
>(still female in some paragraphs of the French
>version of
>Glorantha, to boot, erroneously I imagine).
>I am confused.
>Can anyone tell me if these refer to one entity or
>many, if this is a case of one entity being known
>by different names over the course of the Ages, if
>these are subcults of the (male) Caladra cult, and
>what do the locals call the god who fought against
>and was
>temporarily enslaved by Argan Argar during the
>Storm Age ?
>Or is there some other relationship between
>"Calandra" and "Caladra" that I'm unaware of ?
>Is this confusion deliberately illustrative of some
>kind of GL balls-up ?
>Facts, theories, speculation : any answers will be
>most welcome !! Even extra stuff about Aurelion, to
>be frank ...
>Julian Lord
>-- __--__--
>Message: 2
>Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 12:47:03 -0000
>From: "simon_hibbs2" <simon.hibbs_at_marconi.com>
>To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Subject: Man-skin too soft. Broo skin better!
>Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Simon Phipp says:
>>I play that some of the Dara Happan aristocracy do
>this anyway.
>>Not in a barbaric way, but in a nice and civilised
>Of course, well, that's allright then! :)
>>Simon Hibbs:
>>> Troll _do_not_ hunt their own people for food.
>>Except for the Kaarg Sons who had to eat a
>relative once a
>>season. Or has this changed now? It was a Rune
>Lord requirement
>>in the bad old days. Maybe trolls are a lot nicer
>now than they
>>used to be.
>I don't think they're any nicer at all, and I would
>that this requirement is still there. However, the
>doesn't say anything at all about killing a
>relative, or the
>circumstances of their death.
>My guess would be that this was orriginaly intended
>to make
>sure that the Kaarg's Son did his duty in taking
>part in
>funerary rites and such. It may also have been
>intended to
>promote competition and warlike behaviour. For
>example I
>wouldn't be at all surprised if a Kaarg's Son,
>towards the end of a season and not having met the
>requirement, decided to lead an expedition of clan
>(all related to him by definition) on a dangerous
>against nearby enemies, refusing to give up the
>untill he was 'forced to retreat due to the
>casualties we
>have taken'. He would then enthusiasticaly take
>part in
>the funerary rites of the fallen, naturaly.
>I would not expect him to sneak up on a cousin from
>behind a bash him on the head.
>Promotes warlike behaviour, encourages competition,
>encourages 'creative' thinking. All good things!
>>Except for Food Trollkin, but perhaps they are not
>>and don't count?
>They absolutely do not count. Trolls do not
>trollkin to be trolls (but they can still be
>>Trolls go to their worship ceremonies and see
>>Shamans ripping the skins off live broos and
>>them into magical drums to beat when Chaos
>To be fair, trolls do peel the skins off humans,
>I'm sure they're known to occasionaly make drums
>of them too.
>>3. Don't have a full meal before worshipping.
>Hur, hur, hur!
>Simon Hibbs
>-- __--__--
>Message: 3
>Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2003 06:53:41 -0700 (PDT)
>From: James Frusetta <gerakkag_at_yahoo.com>
>Subject: Continuing Chaos Guff
>To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
>Simon wrote:
>>dead as a funeral rite, but if they were starving
>>wouldn't routinely consider killing each other for
>>food to be acceptable.
>Yah. Such behavior would automatically lead to
>declared a non-troll, and being killed by outraged
>If chaos is "cultural" (e.g., if chaos is seen as
>having different aspects in different societies, or
>taking different forms in different societies),
>and marricide are IMO the #1 prime suspects to be
>labeled "chaotic behavior" by uz.
>For Sartarites, rape, cannibalism and murdering kin
>are all the stuff of chaos. For uz, marricide and
>"live" cannibalism are.
>> My point was about 'destruction of the universe'.
>>thought I gave plenty of more immediate reasons
>>seeing that (in general) chaotic enemies are
>>worse than non-chaotic ones.
>Hmm. I may be obtuse (always a possibility), or I
>be uncommunicative.
>The examples you give do *not* convince me that
>Troll will say "Holy crap, chaos is a hell of a lot
>worse than anything else that exists, period."
>The point I have in my own brain, at least, is that
>there are *lots* of bad things out there. A Solar
>disciple frying trolls and a chaos monster both
>Neither "category" is "automatically worse" than
>Sure, some monsters rape your womenfolk, stuff
>in your home and taint the land -- this is Bad
>A chaos monster doing this is *clearly* worse than
>Yelmist doing nothing. However, a Yelmist laughing
>while he burns your kids, fries your womenfolk and
>spreads light across the land is *clearly* worse
>a swordsnake slithering down the road.
>It's a decision made on the *individual* thing, not
>the "category" -- Big Bad Yelmists are worse than
>puddly little chaos things.
>AFAIK, most Heortlings consider a single broo a
>enemy" than a ravening horde of, well, trolls. I
>think trolls share that opinion: a horde of
>Sartarites is *IMO,* for trolls, worse than a
>>Unless it becomes an issue.
>I definitely agree, and you make a great point
>captives. But I don't think trolls really think
>it much until the broo show up. And you kill them
>because they carry nasty diseases and you probably
>can't get a ransom. But again, I think these are
>*practical* things, not "kill chaos *because* it's
>worst thing in the universe." You kill chaos
>it's bad, really bad, like lots of other really bad
>However, uz are *equally* unlike to (IMO) take
>captives from untrustworthy humans that will likely
>turn around and shaft them. Are they distinguishing
>broo as "yuck, chaos, kill it" or as "crap, chaos
>stuff can't be trusted kill them. Kill that
>too, those buggers try and escape. Save the
>we can trust him."
>>Likewise if a band of chaotics were spotted moving
>>through clan territory in one area and Yelmies in
>>another, 9 times out of 10 the trolls would target
>>the chaotics first.
>Sure, *if* the chaotics are a bigger threat. A
>of broo in the hunting grounds isn't worse than a
>of Yelmies near the heartland. If the Yelmists are
>worse, *IMO* 9 out of 10 trolls want to kill them
>Again: Yelm screwed the trolls ABOUT AS MUCH as
>Why would trolls automatically overlook this with
>regards to chaos? Why is chaos, as you seem to
>the worst thing in the unierse, *unless* the
>troll recognizes that chaos = universe destroyed.
>Greg sez this is so, of course (and I have the
>he thinks so from his comments) all of what I'm
>is guff. <grin>
>>Uz would show through their actions that in
>>they very well know the difference between chaotic
>>non-chaotic opponents.
>I think where we disagree is on the level of this
>I'm (possibly mis-)portraying uz as generally
>them about the same, while I'm reading you as
>there's a fair anti-chaos prejudice stronger than
>other known prejudices. Chaos is worse than
>In many cases, I think it's a moot point because uz
>have lots of segments in their society that hate
>groups more than another -- Tree-choppers woudl
>kill elves than chaos. IMO.
>Not all enemies are equal, but the "values" differ
>from troll to troll, too!
>And frex, because no one noted it: is the Moonbroth
>thing completely non-canon? FWIW, if the freakin'
>Praxians can ally with Chaos, the "All chaos is bad
>chaos" argument seems flawed. But I remember it was
>TotRM, so it may not be canon...
>>know how trolls behave when it becomes an actual
>>they have to deal with.
>My opinion, then, is that it's a question of
>practicality. Uz have a "set" of enemies, and they
>chose to smite them based on things like "who's
>dangerous," "who's threatening me," "who can I beat
>and eat without risking anything." They don't have
>ideological basis that says "Kill chaos first, then
>yelmies, then elder races, then other humans, etc."
>Of *course* the uz realize chaos is different in
>ways, it's not just humans or elves or sumthin'
>tentacles and stuff. They *know* about things like
>disease, chaos taint, the untrustworthiness and
>madness of many races.
>But I *don't* think Uz say "Chaos should be killed
>before anything else, because chaos is really
>gods-awful and must be slain." I think uz say,
>is something else we hate, which we hate for these
>reasons, and we kill it when we see it, because we
>don't like it." For *those* reasons, not the
>the universe" thing. It's *just another foe,* like
>other foes they *like* to beat up and eat. Again,
>is all IMO (and Sandy P's, for that matter, if
>cares to check the old GDs -- I looked it up, and
>we're following almost point for point an existing
>debate! <laugh>).
>I *understand* Sartarites to basically follow
>should be killed before anything else, etc." I may
>wrong on this, of course.
>>I don't think that Chaos being realy, realy bad is
>>amazing, novel discovery that only Sartarites have
>>managed to work out.
>No, but it's not "It's the worst thing in the
>universe, worse than anything else, ew, icky,"
>which is how I'm reading your posts. It's bad. It's
>really bad. I don't think (for uz) it's the Worst
>Thing Ever, however.
Greg Stafford
End of Glorantha Digest
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