>It seems that 'Chaos' as such doesn't really
>feature in the Vithelan understanding;
Chaos is, of course, a part of the antigods. The most extreme type of suffering.
>perhaps the Kralori understanding is of a piece with
>the Vithelan one here, perhaps it has more in
>common with the Genertalan one.
The Kralori version of understanding is that existance is, while mysticism is something else. Chaos is part of existance.
Neither Vithelans nor Kralori view the world as illusion. The world is what can be perceived or thought about. Both cultures have a perspective of something else, too, which we call mysticism. In Kralorela, when mystical power is perceived it appears as a dragon, dragon form or something draconic. In Vithela, it apears as somethign of the High Gods. Of course, neither the dragons nor the High Gods are mystical. These are images of what is behind them, which cannot be perceived or thought about. But the world is not illusion.
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