>Reviewing information on the Volcano god(ess)(e)(s) of Caladraland,
>I discover and the fact that the literature refers to the goddess
>Caladra, the god Caladril, the god Calandra, and the goddess Caladra
>(still female in some paragraphs of the French version of
>Glorantha, to boot, erroneously I imagine).
>I am confused.
>Can anyone tell me if these refer to one entity or many, if this is
>a case of one entity being known by different names over the course
>of the Ages, if these are subcults of the (male) Caladra cult, and
>what do the locals call the god who fought against and was
>temporarily enslaved by Argan Argar during the Storm Age ?
This is an issue I was aware of but didn't get as far as resolving for my Imperial Age game. I think I planned to mine Pele (the Hawaiian volcano goddess, not the football/soccer star) for Caladra.
God Learners being God Learners, Caladra was probably female (at least on Jrustela, where they first learned of her), but when they learned of the obviously male Lodril, they probably started emphasizing the male aspects of the Great Volcano. Some of the various differences are no doubt local variation between Jrustela and Caladraland.
-- David Dunham dunham_at_pensee.com Glorantha/HW/RQ page: http://www.pensee.com/dunham/glorantha.html Imagination is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein --__--__--
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