A sample map (with close up) can be viewed at http://www.gloranthagrouse.com/maps.html.
The six maps will be printed on high quality paper, approx. 7.5" square. They are then tipped in to a hand bound book, covered in handmade paper, with a copper title plate. Each book will be hand numbered, and, optionally, signed by the artist.
The time and expense involved in producing these books means that we're only going to produce a very limited number of them. No more than twenty-five of these books will ever be produced, each individually numbered. They will retail for £35.00, and will be ready for collection at Scotscon. If you are unable to collect your book at Scotscon, it will be posted to you after the con. An additional £5.00 charge will be made for postage.
If you are interested in purchasing one of these beautiful books, you should send a note of interest to maps_at_gloranthagrouse.com as soon as possible. Please include your name and whether you expect to attend Scotscon in person. If not attending, please let us know which country you would like the book sent to. At this stage you are not committed to anything. *IF* we receive enough notes of interest by Monday, July 28th, we will begin selling the books. The person with the earliest received note of interest will be given the first chance to purchase a book. We will be accepting stirling cheques and paypal. If someone does not pay in a timely manner, the next person on the list will be offered the book instead. The numbering of the books will also reflect the order in which the notes of interest are received.
NOTES If you are likely to be unavailable for part of the time, please let us know in advance, so we can make alternative arrangements.
If you wish to purchase multiple copies, please state so in your note of interest. Please be aware that, in the interests of fairness, we will supply a single book to all interested parties before offering a second book to anyone.
-- Graham Robinson Scotscon 2003 Committee http://www.gloranthagrouse.com --__--__--
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