> Somehow I see Kralorela as both culturaly unified and fragmented... they
> have an 'universal' set of value, and uncounted local variations or
> exception. In the same way, the ruling class know that they follow the
> only true way, but are willing to tolerate wrong doctrines (unless they
> openly jeopardize the rightful order) because the common multitude can't
> be expected to avoid the many traps of the material world. In time they
> will see the light. So I think there is room in Kralorela for more
> calendar than the official one, used by the magistrates. Cults,
I agree. As long as things work out fine, mandarins and the state do not get involved in local affairs. There are analogues to this in RW China too. What must be taken into consideration, is that althougth in general slight variations aren't very serious, trying to change the way of life is. Any actions that bring about changes in the status quo are detected by the exarchs, because it will certainly irritate their constituent dragons.
I think that local customs are okay and changing them is bad to the empire as whole. At the same time the "universal values" are known to the elite. This means that high ranking priests, monks, sages, learned folk and mandarins subtly try to infuence the masses. The true wisdom is there. This is a same sort of situation as the one with kung futsean officials performing ancient rites and sacrifices. While they did not believe in them, they performed them because of their stabilizing influence. Some of them may have believed in them though...
Magic is real in Glorantha. Therefore, the mandarins &all acknowledge the importance of the "low rites" and local customs, but know that there is a higher order of reality above them.
> Same could be true for measure units, money, etc...
I don't see why they should use different measures for time, money etc. In RW farmers calendars (western though) people used clever kennings and memory rules to make the normal calendars more suited to them. "In the Third of Tranquility the lake begins to thaw, thus it is no longer wise to thread on it." Different days may have special names that mark their importance for agricultural and/or holy times. I like your version of the common calendar. It could be used by commoners who simply can't remember all the weeks of the normal calendar.
Different measurement systems do not seem reasonable, though M(G/N)F they may be. An empire of this size could become almost impossible to govern if different parts used different currency, different sized wheels and carriages etc. No amount of magic could hold it together. If you meant that different provinces would understand terms like dozen differently, then I'm with you. Ancient measurements weren't that precise anyway and rural folks definetly use imprecise terms like hands, foots, fingers, arms, stones etc. to mark distances and weights. IMO in the cities things must be more standardized though.
> Okay I don't know much about official Kralorela either, but it doesn't
> prevent me from exploring!
And it certainly should not! More Power to You!
Olli Kantola
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.
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