Caladran odds & ends

From: Stewart Stansfield <>
Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 13:25:06 +0100

Jerome wrote:

> It pretty much ties up with those Lodril myths: really a star god, but
> he came down to earth to do what? guide the First Caladran Migrants to
> their home, back in the Gods War (flood and the like??) Maybe their
> starting place was Jrustela?

Oh, I'm sure the Volcano Twins cult would love the Jrustelian element of that development! We actually know moderately little God Time myth from the early (original) Caladran perspective - many of the myths we associate with 'Caladril's' early actions are distinctly Lodrilite, and may have been attached by association. Of course, many of the Lodrilite myths are centred in the Holy Country, so who knows?

But seeing as post- Dawn Caladran myth has been affected by Nysalorean invasion, post-Gbajian settledown, OOO influence, initial GL influence, Moray & Telerio's HQing, post-Closing GL loss and more OOO influence, Belintar's accession, the Pharaoh's disappearance etc. etc. their myth is going to be an amusing amalgam of whatever initial cosmology they possessed and a gamut competing Hero Quests...

I always see Moray and Telerio's efforts as mirroring scenes with John Cleese and Connie Booth in 'Fawlty Towers'. Rather than all this epic Hero Questing malarkey, they are trying to panickedly persuade the locals (Health Inspector, Doctor, dead man's companions) of some fact, making up a story as they go along, and not doing too well. Until Telerio (Booth) comes up with a vaguely suitable linguistic coincidence and Moray slaps his head and shouts 'Brilliant!'

Peter and David discussed the demographics of Caladra worship:

> > The God Learners only knew of Aurelion on Jrustela. They wouldn't have
> > met Caladra until they reached the Shadowlands.

Re: Jrustelians knowing Caladra prior to their journeys - c. 1620 - yep, but might perhaps be dogmatically believed by a few Volcano Twins remnants?

<GL>It was 'true' for a while, in so far as it was HQed into truth by Moray and Telerio, and is mentioned in Shannon Appel's history of the Kingdom of Night, in Tradetalk #5 (David - yep, as your notes said) and intimated in TotRM#7</GL>. I guess it would depend on when and in what paradigm you were setting your MSE campaign.

Prior to GL times, Shannon is *very* careful (it seems) to avoid naming Caladran volcano gods - highly sensible!


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