Mythical Vormaini Dynasties

From: Peter Metcalfe <>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 01:03:44 +1200

Terra Incognita posts a link to some information about Vithelan prehistory. I'll add my current thinking. The Vormaini are said to have twenty one imperial dynasties since the creation.

Before the sundering of Abzered, Vormain and Kralorela were the same land (as well as Verenela) so the first three Imperial Houses of Vormain are the same as the Kralori Emperors and whatever saintly personages dwelt in Teshnos at that time with Vithelan names given in parenthesis.


1st House TarnGatha (Dogsalu)

Starts after with the Dogsalu War and ends with the Keltari war.

2nd House HeenMaroun (Govmeranen)

Starts after the Keltari War and ends with Oorsu Sara's first attack (which ends Govmeranen's Reign of Peace and begins Nenduren's Peace).

3rd House Metsyla (Osdero)

Starts after Oorsu Sara's first conquest and ends in the destruction of Abzered.
Thereafter the Imperial Houses rule only over Vormain and suject territories.

4th House Valzain

Valzain established the traditions and laws of Vormain, including the Isolation.
Unlike Teshnos and Kralorela, Vormain society is mostly as it was in Valzain's time. The end of the house is probably the same event as the End of Nenduren's
Peace, Oorsu Sara's Second War and the God's Cycle.

5th House Sekever dynasty.

After Valzain retires, the new house relaxes the rigid Isolation. This triggers
a brief and ghastly reign of horrors that is finally crushed by the heroic founders
of the next house.

6th House

Starts at the same time as Daruda's reign and the start of the Demigod's Cycle.
Instead of divine figures, the Emperors are now human. Famous for the Happy Conquests. Collapses as a result of the Atrocity War (specifically Janandi's second assault). Condemned by modern Vormaino for allowing foreign ideals to enter Vormain under the guise of plunder.

7th House

Notable for the philosophical ideas of the Sage Enrono and the victories of the warrior Kumanti Lun. Overthrown from within by corrupt FoShan, which the modern Vormaino attribute to foreign ideas.

8th House FoShan Dynasty

An evil dynasty of demonic emperors and wicked antigods.

9th House KuanKal Dynasty

A dynasty of draconic conquerers. Their alien brutality leads to their overthrow
by Vormaini rebels.

10th House Rebel Dynasty

A dynasty with good intentions. However it was tragically exterminated in the Herespur War when the Great Tsunami washed over Vormain. Modern Vormaino believe it was too soft on Isolation.

11th House Tsunami dynasty.

During the Herespur War, the Isle of Churanpur descends from heaven and its inhabitants menace both Melib and Vormain. A tribe from Churanpur conquers Vormain with the aid of the Great Tsunami. However the cruelty of their regime quickly leads to their overthrow.

12th House Avanapdur

Now condemned as horribly misguided. This dynasty accepted the aid of Avanapdur to defeat the Tsunami folk. When Avanapdur was revealed as an illusion, the power of this house crumbled overnight. Also marks the end of the Demigod's Cycle and Vayobi's reign. Condemned for not being Isolationists.

13th House Isolation

Starts at the same time as Human Cycle, Vashanti's reign and Bulthshasam of Teshnos. Associated with Telask. Resurrects the Isolation to keep foreigners
away from Vormain. Retires at the Dawn (which is also when Soravatoor of Teshnos took over).

--Peter Metcalfe


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