> But seeing as post- Dawn Caladran myth has been affected by Nysalorean
> invasion, post-Gbajian settledown, OOO influence, initial GL influence,
> Moray & Telerio's HQing, post-Closing GL loss and more OOO influence,
> Belintar's accession, the Pharaoh's disappearance etc. etc. their myth is
> going to be an amusing amalgam of whatever initial cosmology they possessed
> and a gamut competing Hero Quests...
How much influence did the Jrusteli have in Caladraland? I know they had a presence in Karse and a few of the coastal cities of what is not the Holy Country, but when they first arrived, this was all part of the Shadowlands. Did they make any inroads into the Shadowlands?
> > > The God Learners only knew of Aurelion on Jrustela. They wouldn't
> have
> > > met Caladra until they reached the Shadowlands.
> Re: Jrustelians knowing Caladra prior to their journeys - c. 1620 - yep,
> but
> might perhaps be dogmatically believed by a few Volcano Twins remnants?
It all depends on how much the Volcano Twins mythology was changed/invented. If the Twins were simply children of Lodril before the GLs started messing about, then perhaps there were myths in both Caladraland and Aurelion about the gods' relatives. It is always easier to start with a core of myth and add on to it rather than create everything from scratch.
Perhaps the Jrusteli had some Aurelion myths regarding a volcanic sibling, then when they arrived in Caladraland they encountered the volcano gods there and recognised the relationship between Caladra and Aurelion.
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