>The Shadowlands were a part of the EWF, but the OOO was personally
>an ally of the Jrusteli. It's certainly the OOO who sent the first colonies
>of trolls to Jrustela (and he also sent some to Pamaltela), many of them
>on Jrusteli ships, although the OOO had a fleet of his own.
Where's this from? The Trolls of Jrustela arrived after the destruction of Jrustela according to Elder Secrets and Missing Lands and did so through a magic tunnel. As for the Only Old One being a Jrusteli ally, the opinion of Hrestol Argentis ("We westerners find it abhorrent that this hated monstrous race rules humans, but the ignorant pagans here do not seem to mind and actually laughed at my concerns." KoS p182) makes this implausible.
--Peter Metcalfe
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