> >The Shadowlands were a part of the EWF, but the OOO was personally
> >an ally of the Jrusteli. It's certainly the OOO who sent the first colonies
> >of trolls to Jrustela (and he also sent some to Pamaltela), many of them
> >travelling
> >on Jrusteli ships, although the OOO had a fleet of his own.
> Where's this from? The Trolls of Jrustela arrived after the destruction of
> Jrustela according to Elder Secrets and Missing Lands and did so through
> a magic tunnel. As for the Only Old One being a Jrusteli ally, the opinion
> of Hrestol Argentis ("We westerners find it abhorrent that this hated
> monstrous race rules humans, but the ignorant pagans here do not seem
> to mind and actually laughed at my concerns." KoS p182) makes this
> implausible.
OK, that was far too speculative, not clearly marked so, and I think wrong, except for the Pamaltela bit and the existence of a Shadowlands navy. Sorry.
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