> What happens to the _last_ trollkin used in a Trollball match?
Great question !!
But, IMO, sad answer : it gets to be used in the next match ... :-(
But this is a great character concept, and it's surely possible that the most important Trollball matches confer some sort of reward on the last ball, and even that more ordinary matches will reward an exceptionally valiant ball.
I am irresistably reminded of bullfighting, where, it has to be said, the magnificent bull that is spared (as being too marvellous to kill) is an extremely rare exception (usually makes the International news).
It must be a rare combination of hardiness, fairness, crowd-pleasing-ness, size, muscles, beauty, and ability to defeat players without belittling them that can lead to a trollball being recoignised as a Real Person !!!
Julian Lord
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