>Is anything known about what the area and people along the Noshian
>River were like before the drowning of Slontos and the forming of the
>New Fens?
The best reference is the Dawn Age Map of Slontos in Tradetalk #10. This shows the coast much further eastwards almost right up to where Kaxtorplose is. On the site of the future New Fens is some land labeled Dernath while further downriver are the cities of Lukae and Thomawal (at the river mouth). These cities are apparently part of Matelia.
Virtually nothing is known about these territories (although I did make up a fact about the excavation of the Cathedral of Saint Sanbal's for Tradetalk #11). I would however guess that during the Imperial Age, there's a fair amount of migration by Mraloti under the influence of the Valeki through the land of Dernath (ending up in what is now Ramalia) - a classical barbarian invasion if you like. The reason for their migration were the wars between the God Learners and the Stygian Autarchy.
--Peter Metcalfe
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