Tragedy of Dragon Slayer Karvanyar
<Today, I went to the Lunar Amphitheater in Furthest and watched their "actors" playing their drama....Don't you know drama? It is similar to our Sacred Rituals and heroquest in the sense of approach to replaying Mythical events, but they do it for mere entertainment....and write and analyze about its pleasure.....! Yes, we know they are Chaos. But they are far more worse than Godlearner martalaks or Nysalorians.... for they simply steal divine power to their own, but they are far more worse!
(See Solon's opinion about Thespis' drama, or Aristophanes' "The Frog", his condemnation to Euripides, and much admiration to Aeschylus, and his reference to "depravity"of drama of Athens, with the process of Peloponnesos War....(or Tolkien's antipathy to Macbeth of Shakespeare...))
Yes, we also find pleasure and feel unity in our playing of Mythic World, and feeling the power of gods and Storm Realm....but they can feel such unity but in the back, they sneer and ridicule such feeling, and try to confine to divine powers into the closet, in their theaters! That is the way of Shepelkirt to infiltrate our way and replace our gods to their "philosophy" and "mystical liberation", and they steal part of watchers' soul and exploited them to feed Crimson Bat and other their demons. It is why Harrek the Berserk so hate them and spectators of their "circus" seems lost their soul in a maze, it is similar to Garns stolen by Morokanths their spirit.....Don't go to their theater, don't eat their bread! Don't hear their voices. All are corrupted!>
(Hero Quest and Drama Play of Lunar Empire in their Amphitheater)
Godlearnish Attempt to analyze Hero Quest by confining them and exploiting
them to acceptable part of Lunar Pantheon
Donandar and Molamin
>From Sacred Ritual to Mere entertainment
Solon and Thespis
<<Thespis, at this time, beginning to act tragedies, and the thing, because
it was new, taking very much with the multitude, though it was not yet made
a matter of competition, Solon, being by nature fond of hearing and learning
something new, and now, in his old age, living idly, and enjoying himself,
indeed, with music and with wine, went to see Thespis himself, as the
ancient custom was, act: and after the play was done, he addressed him, and
asked him if he was not ashamed to tell so many lies before such a number of
people; and Thespis replying that it was no harm to say or do so in play,
Solon vehemently struck his staff against the ground: "Ah," said he, "if we
honour and commend such play as this, we shall find it some day in our
business." >>
The difference in the order of age, Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides
Divine Will and Characteristic Play (Deus Ex Machina of Euripides)
Aristophanes "The Frogs"
Tolkien and Shakespeare
Why Tolkien disliked Shakespeare and the reason of his writing "March of
Ent" from his antipathy against Macbeth (read Tolkien's famous essay: On
Fairy Stories)
(Perfectly my unofficial idea that Karvanyar unintentionally used GanEstoro, Karmang God of Darkness and Lie to invoke his own Power of Fire and White Sun Lord. But it is plausible that Lunars blame Denesiod and Karvanyar Dynasty for its method to achieve power with allying Carmanians, at least in their early days before Sheng (Doctrine from Yelmgatha's List (mainline of Fortunate Succession?) and Glorious ReAscent of Yelm), and I think Carmanians always doubt the rivalry of Light and Darkness....(if White God is almighty, why Dark God remains?) as Real World Persians....)
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