I'm no expert of the area, but you can find good description and diversity of praxians in fanzine, Book of Drastic Resolution: Prax.
For example, Impala Riders don't wear anything except loincloth....sables wear pants, and decorated with mantles and capes. High Llamas are usually light-dressed. And morokanth don't wear anything except their own hide.
I don't know enough about Native americans, but I think costume of each tribes greatly depend on their own herds. (In America, of course no Impala.)
> Message: 2
> From: "Pete McAveney" <mcaveney_at_valinet.com>
> To: <glorantha_at_rpglist.org>
> Subject: Weird Praxian Question
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 21:07:23 -0400
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> For reasons too bizarre to get info, I need to know what Praxians wear =
> so I can make some costumes.
> Yes, yes, I know they wear hides, obviously - but how do they wear them? =
> Sling 'em over the shoulder, toga-style? Punch a hole for the head and =
> wear it like a shirt? Fur on or off? Rawhide or tanned? Tailored, =
> fringed jackets a la Native American from Central Casting? =20
> Outside of a few illustrations in Cults of Prax I don't know of any =
> sources on this - unless you can enlighten me.
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