> The traditional sport of the Rinliddi is a form of competitive dance which
> involves couples or teams of dancers performing in front of a panel of
> judges who award marks in a complex system where a perfect performance
> scores 6 (rarely if ever awarded as the next dancers could be better) and
> lesser scores are 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1 and 5.0. In serious competition
> lower scores are just not awarded as they would be an insult to the
> Judging is done in two catagories - Artistic Impression (how well the
> dancers interpreted the music) and Technical Merit (how many of the
> difficult steps were performed correctly). The judges are all ex-dancers
> themselves and mostly involved in training the current dancers so it is
> practically impossible for anyone not trained by a small clique to score
> highly in the competitions.
Remember the highly-publicized cheating scandal of 1598? Two Judges from
Diavizzi were bribed to let the Birin traditional team win. They developed a
foot code to signal their scores to each other. And what about the time
Azurina was hit in the elbow with a mace? They finally found that her
nearest rival's nest-mate was the mastermind behind it.
"And a 3.2 from the Ganbarri Judge"
It is by my order and for the good of the state that the bearer of this has
done what he has done.
- Richelieu