>Waha! expects us to steal from the other tribes because their beasts and
>their women are safer in our hands. The other tribes, condemned to herd
>lesser animals, constantly lust after our own herd-beasts and so attempt
>to steal them again and again. We are to be vigilant against people of the
>other tribes because they are scum and give them a good hiding if we catch
>them sneaking around.
Exactly! (Uhh, ever tried to discuss with a bison khan?) There you go... :-D
>Although every Praxian has heard of the Three Feathered Rivals but
>that does not mean that they are obliged to treat their worshippers
>with respect.
In the case of Raven. Yea, I agree.
>Given that Raven is a trickster, it would be unusual for his worshippers
>not to steal from his tribe.
Thieving is a far more complex concept when we count trickster`s part in it, of course. Well, depending on my question maybe the answer was too clear.
But in general, how praxians view taking/thievery, I`ve seen them rather thinking they can take if they want to, and without seeing it as ANY sort of thievery. They think they`ve got the right(!) for it. For own clan`s benefit. And of course - unless the target(s) are clans/people that are treated as trustful allies and friends...same nation etc. Or that would be deceitness and thievery.
IMHO about the Iron Man, what comes to Waha`s and Storm Bull`s associations with death, I`d think worshiping the Death (him)self is a bit different thing, than worshiping a spririt/god who is associated with such power? Or was Iron Man/Humakt connections changed with HW/HQ?
Maybe the topic is turning a bit ridiculous. :-2
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