I wish I was going to Scotscon, it sounds like a hoot! Nick and Jane will be holding forth the flame of Sun County, just keep the olive oil away from it!. And I believe there will a dissection of the seemingly horrendous divorce rate in the County, and an explanation of what really went on when Biturian Varosh was forced to participate in the Three Blows of Anger ritual (see http://www.glorantha.com/library/bv8.html ). This gets extra spicy when you add the now-discouraged custom of polygamy into the mix, and the doddering Lord Luxor's buxom third wife, a cheeky Esrolian pole-dancer he became acquainted with down at the Harpoon Tavern (who, strangely enough, despite her obvious talents in this alluring art, is not actually an Earth-worshipper, much to the chagrin of his two other wives...)
Re Ebay, I've got a smaller number of items from my surplus collection up this time, mainly because I have been v. busy this week...
I hope Scotscon is a great success!,
MOB --__--__--
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