:> But why limit ourselves. We have a monotheistic, highly civilized race
:> of people to draw from in our history. I'm talking, of course, of the
:> great arabic civilizations and the muslim religion. (I also draw
:> heavily on the work of Ursula K. LeQuinn in the Earthsea books for a
:> wizard centered setting with a lower than medieval technology setting.)
Terra grumbles:
> I don't like recent her new series of Earthsea for "vulgar feminism"
> attached to classic great trilogy. Grumble.....
Vulgar? That's a bit rich. The original trilogy (and most of the newer stuff) is told almost exclusively from a subjective male viewpoint. It's nice and consistent (with all the rather obviously false "everybody know's that..." bits about women being alien and inferior in matters of magic) but it's only a partial view into the world of the earthsea.
LeQuinn _is_ a feminist, and I don't see anything wrong with that. She was actually mocked by her friends for the male-chauvinistic bent of the original trilogy. Nice to see the other side of things for a change, I think.
-Adept : Finland Human male
PS. Sorry for the lack of direct Glorantha relevance. I'll do better next time.
I think I think... Therefore I think I am.
End of Glorantha Digest
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