First, I almost finished the city design of (unofficial) LurNop, but I want to check more about your preference as that of majority of Glorantha fans. Like about costumes (Efendi suggested to use gaudy costumes of Beijing Classical Opera...), city control, and as I asked, technology and culture (I don't like pigtails and opium....) we like more ancient age China on the contrary of europeans:
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Second, Efendi and I now try to make Kralorela more approachable by putting on chinese characters to each place names of Genertela Boxed Set, (though you might not be able to read them, you might realise kanji printed beautifully looking similar to Glorantha runes...) But it takes some more time for put on the difference of RW mandarin (Beijing Dialect) and these fantasy place names.
Third, about LeGuin, do you read her classic "The Left Hand of the Darkness"? It also takes some of taoistic idea for the SciFi concept of Oikoumene. (though taoism feministic bent is opposed to mainstream thought of mascline Confucianism in RW china....) And she showed her suffering in her essay collection of "The Language of the Night".
No. 6
The Spirit of
the Valley dies not.
It is called
the Secret
which is Filled with
womanly qualities.
The Gateway of the
Secret is
Filled with womanly qualities
Is called
the Womb of Heaven-and-Earth.
Staying like
a fog,
it has only a
hint that it is there;
And yet when you
use it,
it is always there
without end.>>
Though this translation killed the nuiance of Chinese Characters, "The Spirit of the Valley". (for it include the meaning of elemental "Black" that is associated with Sky in Chinese Cosmology.)
And Julian, you wrote well for our masclinist side. (grin)
> Message: 2
> Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 17:01:21 +0200
> From: Julian Lord <>
> To:
> Subject: Earthsea - Le Guin [OT rant]
> Reply-To:
> Mikko :
> > Terra grumbles:
> > > I don't like recent her new series of Earthsea for "vulgar feminism"
> > > attached to classic great trilogy. Grumble.....
> >
> > Vulgar? That's a bit rich.
> Not IMO.
> The Earthsea trilogy is simply magical.
> The new book (or is that bookS ? I squirm at the thought)
> that I read was a piece of dismally trite unoriginal feelgood
> politically correct drivel. I can't show unlimited praise to "Tehanu" and "The Other Wind".
Women are dragons. Yeah, fear them.
> > LeQuinn _is_ a feminist, and I don't see anything wrong with that.
> But feminism is not literature.
> Especially not classic fantasy literature that everyone fell in love with
as a child.
> Just imagine Tolkien coming back from the grave and writing an
> sequel to LOTR. Brrrrrrrrrrrr .... !!!!!!!
LeGuin wrote good speculation for the style of Tolkien in "The Language of the Night".
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