> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 00:54:46 +0300 (EEST)
> From: Olli Kantola <newsalor_at_ee.oulu.fi>
> To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> Subject: Mixed othersides / worlds
> Reply-To: glorantha_at_rpglist.org
> I was trying to make a new cult write-up on Kralorela and I came up with a
> serious problem. My "cult" was a wizardly order. I know that the Kralori
> have wizards as well as theists and animists. I made an assumption that
> their are mainly theistic, however. That got me thinking. . .
There's no official answer, I suppose. But Peter and I agree you in a broad meaning, If I understand correctly Peter's several statements.
> What would the otherside be like for wizards in a theistic culture?
> Lunars cheat their way out of this. The moon is a part of all the
> otherworlds and/or something that is foreign to all of them. The kralori
> don't have this luxury, neither do the Teshnans.
I don't think Teshnans has need to mix / combine their practice, for they have experienced until recently its lethargy and only Somash priests have proper power to be called political forces until Harstar begin to rebel against Garusharp and Pubnashap. Perhaps it is similar to Heortling.
But how Three Systemized Great Cultural Forces exist in Genertela, Loskalm, Lunar Empire and Kralorela? I suppose they all have common nature to organize local magic into Unified Force, as overlords of Loskalm seems to be demigods by ignorant foreigners and barbarians. And I think Wizardly Culture itself be quite able to match such requirement.
Lunars, as you mentioned above, I agree in their shared otherside as a spot and focus of magic, Red Moon. And they somehow mix and combine all different source of magic into one by this unique perspective. (Heortling might call it Chaos.)
Then the topic of your concern, Kralorela. How should we think about them? It is perfectly my opinion, but I think Mysticism (I don't know proper term for the tradition of east even though Greg denied to use this term without enough caution.) itself deny the idea benefit and right form of Systemized Magic, aside from anti-societal Orthodox mystics. Vithela scattered into isles for people didn't share their ideal to common purpose, and purpose of Mysticism is Liberation, maybe it is similar to Illumination of Lunars in a sense that the practitioner seek to free from shackle of societal duties and burden of tradition.
> Still, they have wizards
> and therefore I suppose that they must have essence planes as well. How
> could the node of the schools founder be near the Imperial City or
> and still be in a different otherworld?
I think draconism is composed from paradox, mysticism denies the Middle World as Garden of Temptation, but dragons created the World and made their home. Many (all?) of geographical features might be True Dragons, and though Westerners think that nature was created by the will of Invisible God to be conquered , and serve human purpose, Kralori might think that nature and civilization are opposite sides of a coin and harmonizable, as Yin and Yang. They succeeded to make one of most organized culture over draconic incomprehensive nature with their unlimited (?) trust to rulers and their merciful emperors.
Maybe, Kralori serve their current emperor with Wizardly manner, and maybe pick and choice past emperors with Theistic Manner, with many spirits and daimons of vithela and genertela. All IMO.
Maybe Mark knows the final answer.
Mark Galeotti:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeroQuest-RPG/message/18431 <<I'm just doing a last buff and polish on the Kralori homeland spread, which will appear in a forthcoming copy of Pyramid, the SJG online zine.>>
Oh, I don't want to miss your opinion. Is it the HQ voices? Or other project which relates to it?
<<I don't know if you get one anyway via GTA membership, but if you don't, it's well worth it for general games stuff and also will have a regular HQ slot>>
But I am not sure how to use Pyramid of SJG.
I am a GTA member but I don't know how to use forum or database of pyramid.
Should I subscribe it by myself?
<<with both materials both official
and unofficial (a nice piece on Caladraland by Trotsky has already
been published>>
I don't know it, either.
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