Thanks in advance!
Have we ever been given a name for the current High Priestess of the Shaker Temple?
In HQ, we're told that she's pulled around in a cart by blind cave oxen. In _Dragon Pass_, however, they were normal oxen, and the blind cave variety was used by the Dwarf to pull his Alchemical Transformer. There's clearly a story here... when did the Exiles start using the Dwarf's oxen? How did they acquire them? And most importantly, why did they want them? ;-)
Do we know the real name of the Feathered Horse Queen? Looking at KoS, I'd guess that the current one in 1620 would be Single Matron Woman, who will be killed in Esrolia in 1623; unless Riches Without Tears is still around. And are these personal names, or just descriptive epithets?
The FHQ's role as her people's premiere shaman of La-Ungariant seems clear enough, but how does she come to embody the sovereignity of Dragon Pass? ISTR KoS talking about her discovering that her goddess was sister to the local earth goddess, but these days it seems unlikely that a Great Horse Spirit would be sister to the goddess Kero =46in... Maybe (speculating wildly) Dragon Pass *also* has a Great Spirit, previously not described, who conveys this sovereignity power?
What's the current status of Androgeus? Where is he at the moment, and what's she up to? Does he even exist in Gloranthan canon any more, since I honestly don't remember reading anything about her since the _Dragon Pass_ rulebook back in 1980!
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