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> The FHQ's role as her people's premiere shaman of La-Ungariant seems
> clear enough, but how does she come to embody the sovereignity of
> Dragon Pass? ISTR KoS talking about her discovering that her goddess
> was sister to the local earth goddess, but these days it seems
> unlikely that a Great Horse Spirit would be sister to the goddess Kero
> =46in... Maybe (speculating wildly) Dragon Pass *also* has a Great
> Spirit, previously not described, who conveys this sovereignity power?
If you've played KODP, you'll see a very good picture of her. The Feathered Horse Queen embodies the Kingship of the area, not for herself but for something that is a part of her regalia. I am told that she wears Necklace of Kero Fin - I had asked Greg what happened to that after the Gabji Wars as it belonged to the fellow who was the Heortling representative on the Council and apparently, she has it.
Hope this helps!
Jeff Kyer
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