With the caveat that YGWV:
>Something struck me the other day when I was
>reading the HQ rules.
>There is a nice Venn Diagram of the 3 planes and
>how they have joined
>(whether or not I believe in them is beside the
>point) and I wondered what
>the effects would be of a Node that existed in the
>intersection of the
>Sorcery Plane and God Plane.
>Would such a node provide sorcery magic to Widards
>and Feats to Theists?
No. The Otherworlds are mutually exclusive, and there are absolutely no links directly between them. The overlaps all occur in the Middle World.
>Could this be a possible explanation for those with
>mixed sorcery and
>theistic powers such as the Aeoli, Arkati and
Interesting thought, but in fact those with mixed powers generaly get them from the part of the Middle World where they overlap. Thus in fact the uz and Aldryami get their "mixed powers" form the Underworld.
>Similarly, what about nodes in the intersections of
>the Sorcery and Spirit
>Planes or those in the GodsWar where all three
>planes intersect? Do they mean
>different things or is it just a pretty diagram
>that I may be reading too
>much into?
I am afraid the fault is in the diagram, then.
And FYI, I am adamant about the separation of the Otherworlds becasue the "wormholes" between them are a part of the upcomng plot of the Hero Wars. They are goign to be one of the causes of the destruction of the world...
Greg Stafford
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