Greetings to Observers of the Glorantha Trading Association. The equinox is=
upon us, the harvest begins. Now hail Issaries while Ernalda turns again.=20
Hearken to the word on Glorantha, Issaries Inc., its partner publishers,=20
and GTA activity. Welcome new members to the tribe, and thanks even more to=
those who contribute again and again.
You receive this newsletter as a member of the GTA. Each of you can now=20
manage how you receive GTA messages. Set a password, enter the email=20
address you use for GTA mailings, and set or reset your mailing preferences=
at <>. To change your=20
email address, unsubscribe from the list and then re-subscribe using the=20
new address. Initiates, runemasters, and heroes must send a confirming=20
e-mail to <> with your actual name, so that Issaries can=20
verify the change. GTA Observers do NOT need to notify us, as no=20
verification is needed.
For a walkthrough and more details, see=20
<>. On upgrading your GTA=
membership level, see <>.
Please note that if you contact us with a change of email address, DO=20
expect to get an "unsubscribe" message from to the _old_ email=
address. Don't be alarmed at this; it is an automated feature of the=20
mailing list. And although we try to send a confirmation of each new=20
address added as well, we sometimes forget. Even so, be assured that if we=
removed your old address, we did add your new one.
Herein you'll find tales about:
A New Home A New Partnership A New Game A New Plan Other New Products Issaries' Online Policy GTA Promotions GTA Membership Update And in part 2 of the newsletter: Three Contests for the Price of One Project Coordinators Update Looking for Old Artists Read Any Good Bibliographies Lately? The Latest on Conventions Short Takes Quick Plugs Thunder Brothers Glorantha in Miniatures A Partnership: Issaries and Warehouse 23 Another Partnership: The Men in Black Parting Shot
I apologize that so much time has passed since the last newsletter. Stephen=
has tried to keep everyone updated as much as possible, but it has been a=20
year of incredible change for Issaries. It seems that the theme was "Out=20
with the Old, In with the New": new home, new partnership, new game, new=
As most of you know, Issaries has closed down its Oakland office and moved=
to Concord, CA. If you need to contact Issaries, please use only the=20
address and phone number below:
Issaries, Inc
P.O. Box 272914
Concord, CA 94527-2914
(925) 680-8897
This is a small box, so email <> before you mail=20
something large (like a package or shipment of books!), or if you are=20
sending something you don't trust the post office to keep safe (like a CD),=
so he can talk to you about an alternative address.
As most of you should know by now, Issaries has made a fulfillment and=20
co-branding agreement with Steve Jackson Games. Issaries reports that are=20
very happy to be working with this great game company, and hope that the=20
arrangement proves beneficial to both companies. SJ Games has already=20
provided fulfillment services for Imperial Lunar Handbook and HeroQuest, as=
well as carrying all of Issaries' previous releases that remain in print.=20
As part of the agreement, Warehouse 23 <> has become the=
official online source for all Issaries products, now including the=20
Pre-Finished Works.
For more details on the agreement, see the announcement from this Spring or=
the "Glorantha Reborn" article from Game Trade Magazine at=20
And as all of you ought to know, Issaries has released a new game. After=20
decades, it has happened--HeroQuest is here! Voted "most anticipated=20
roleplaying game of 2003" earlier this year on, HeroQuest was=20
released to all distributors and fine retail outlets just a month ago. We=20
did have some problems with mailing, sorry especially to the GTA members in=
Japan whose copies arrived about 2 weeks after everyone else's.
We have heard a lot of praise for HeroQuest, from all quarters. Issaries=20
has also heard some questions, and Stephen hopes to get those addressed in=
the FAQ that he and Roderick Robertson are preparing. If you have=20
questions, comments, or errata, send them to <>. And=
if you don't own it yet, go to your local game store (or Warehouse 23) and=
tell them you want a copy!
Sample chapters, Hero Wars conversions, and other support material are=20 available online at <>.
Issaries wants once again to thank everyone who helped make this happen,=20 and to everyone who has contacted them with new ideas, enthusiasm, good=20 wishes, and the inevitable questions. Happy HeroQuesting!
With the delays caused by HeroQuest and the normal evolution of things,=20
Issaries has had to adjust its release schedule since the last time you=20
heard from them. Acquisitions Editor Mark Galeotti provides the following=20
My own Hero's Book <> is at=
the printer as you read this, and is currently available for pre-order from=
Warehouse 23. Intended as an introductory guide to the rules and the world=
for new players, the first half of the book includes the basic rules on=20
character creation, contests and like, theist magic, and an introduction to=
play. The second half is divided between the Heortlings and Lunars,=20
providing an outline of their lifestyles, cultures, and gods; six=20
pre-generated characters for each, ready to be personalized and played; and=
a sample hero band to join.
Dragon Pass: Land of Thunder=20
<> is in layout. Most of the=
information in this book is new, and helps set the stage for future=20
scenario books by detailing the lands and myths of mystical Dragon Pass.=20
Wesley Quadros has produced a characteristically stunning and=20
information-packed color map of the region, and Ian Cooper has done an=20
inspired job of mining Greg's writings and also bringing together=20
contributions from a range of Gloranthan luminaries to form the definitive=
gazetteer of Kerofinela (as the book was previously known). The book=20
includes stunning artwork, including several brand new pieces by legendary=
artist William Church. The scheduled release date is November.
Masters of Luck and Death <>=
is next in the pipeline, a collection of hero bands gathered and edited by=
Stephen Martin. The overwhelming majority of the text has been written and=
edited, and this is on track to appear in December. It promises 'something=
for everything' and this is what it delivers, with twenty-seven groups who=
might be encountered in Dragon Pass (and beyond), from Teshnan dancers to=20
Orlanthi rebels, Lunar missionaries to Grazer warriors. Included among the=
bands are a few old favorites, like the Temple of the Wooden Sword and=20
Geo's Inn, others that until now have just been given passing mention, such=
as the lofty Comet Seers, and many that are completely new.
Under the Red Moon, Imperial Lunar Handbook Volume 2=20
<>, should be the first book=
released next year. This long-awaited study of the Lunar Way will provide=20
players and narrators not only with further insights into Lunar politics,=20
philosophy, and perspectives. It contains a huge array of magical keywords,=
from the aspects of the Moon Herself down to such new gods as Grim=20
UrGethru, regimental deity of the 2nd Household Foot; and Borovich of=20
Derfik, the experimental heroquester. Currently scheduled for March release.
Gathering Thunder <>, the=20
third in the Sartar Rising scenario arc, will follow later next year. The=20
Empire has been hurt, but not defeated. The rebels must move quickly to=20
gain new allies and magics if they are to stand any chance of defeating the=
Empire's latest stratagem, the construction of a new Temple of the Reaching=
Moon to bring all of Dragon Pass under the Glowline. This book culminates=20
in the epic Shiprise, in which the heroes accompany Kallyr herself on a=20
mighty heroquest that will reshape the skies.
Beyond that, the schedule is still uncertain. Many other books are being=20
worked on, such as Dragonrise (Sartar Rising, Volume 4) and several=20
player's books (see=20
<> for a summary),=20
but at this stage it is impossible to say precisely which will be ready for=
release when. What is clear is that just as 2003 was a pivotal year for=20
Issaries and Glorantha, 2004 promises to be another great year for=20
exploring the Lozenge!
HeroQuest Voices at last available!
This free PDF book contains introductory narratives for all ten homelands=20
described in HeroQuest, as well as for seven other peoples and races.=20
Although some of these narratives have appeared before, they have been=20
updated to reflect development of the world over the last fifteen years.=20
Additionally, project coordinator Nick Brooke has assembled many new pieces=
written by some of today's key Gloranthan authors, including Greg Stafford,=
David Dunham (co-creator of the King of Dragon Pass computer game), and=20
Mark Galeotti. They are accompanied by more than two dozen illustrations=20
from Gloranthan artists old and new. For more information, see=20
Because of the size of the PDF file, Issaries is making HeroQuest Voices=20
available in two forms. For those who have specific needs (or slow=20
connections), they have separated the book into 18 files, one each for the=
introductory materials and each of the peoples represented. These=20
individual files can be linked to from=20
<> or from Warehouse 23.
HeroQuest Voices will also be available as a single file. We are pleased to=
be able to have this file hosted by <>. It will be available=20
for download soon.
We encourage people to link to or even directly host any or all of these=20 files on their own web sites.
Special Editions an Amazing Success
From Stephen Martin
We are also extremely pleased with the response we received for the limited=
hardcover edition of HeroQuest. Interest in the book exceeded our=20
expectations (though not our hopes), as over 150 people bought more than=20
170 copies of the hardcover. They are beautiful books, with glossy paper, a=
bound-in satin bookmark, an exclusive blessing, and (in most cases) a=20
single rune printed on the front. We hope to be able to offer similar=20
special editions in the future.
Those who registered their copies received access to HeroQuest Voices a=20
month ago, and we hope to give them other special benefits in the future.=20
If you purchased a copy of the hardcover but have not yet registered it,=20
just email us with your name and the rune you chose, and we will add you to=
the list.
Thank you to everyone who supported Issaries by purchasing one of these= books.
HeroQuest Demonstrations
HeroQuest has finally arrived, and now it's time to spread the word. Jeff=20 Kyer and Darran Sims can help. Developed for Steve Jackson Games' "Men In=20 Black" demo program, Jeff Kyer has written a "how to" manual for teaching=20 HeroQuest to both the uninitiated and the old hands. "The Taxman Commeth"=20is a (very) short adventure that also contains an outline, a teaching=20 script, and a map of the Tin Inn by Darran Sims. Combined with HeroQuest=20 Voices or the sample heroes at <>, it is=20 almost all you need to teach the game (candies and dice not included).
The demo can be found at=20
Hero Wars Conversions
Although Hero Wars and HeroQuest use the same core rules mechanic, they are=
very different games in many ways. Yet Issaries claims that all of their=20
old supplements remain fully compatible with the new rules! How compatible=
they are can now be judged, as the "Hero Wars to HeroQuest Conversion"=20
files have been available for a couple of weeks ago. Ranging from=20
guidelines on converting heroes to the welcome information that no notes=20
are needed for some books, these notes by Dave Camoirano, Roderick=20
Robertson, and Stephen Martin are available at=20
A reminder from Issaries
Recently, we had two major problems with copyright violation and trademark=
infringement. We want to remind everyone that they need to abide by our=20
online policy and, more importantly, that posting of copyright material on=
the web for download, IN ANY FORM, FOR ANY REASON, is illegal. This=20
includes both text and artwork. Excuses that the material was not intended=
for public use are not acceptable. Scanning in books and then offering them=
as PDF downloads will not be tolerated, as one individual discovered when=20
his web site was shut down by his ISP and his broadband provider threatened=
to shut down his access to the internet. Although the materials seem to be=
no longer accessible, the individual involved lied, accused Issaries of=20
sending spam when we told him to remove the materials, and has failed to=20
apologize, to the best of our knowledge. If we were not restrained by the=20
compassion of the White Lady, we would provide his name to the tribe for=20
public humiliation and perhaps a virtual/online "lynching".
Another item that found its way onto the internet was an early draft of the=
forthcoming Hero's Book. Without laying blame or accusing anyone, we want=20
to remind GTA members, authors, contributors, playtesters, and everyone=20
else that any copyright materials that come into your possession are for=20
your use only. They are not to be loaned to anyone, copied (physically or=20
electronically) or scanned in, or otherwise passed on to anyone else. We=20
would hate to have to stop sharing materials because we are worried about=20
copyright violations. HeroQuest, Glorantha, and Issaries can only thrive if=
the business of selling games and Gloranthan books continues. That is why=20
it's important to respect Issaries and other publishers' copyrights and=20
Issaries' online policy can be found at=20
<>. If you have any=20
questions about copyright status of an item, please contact us directly to=
ensure there are no problems. If you see material on the web that you=20
believe violates copyright or infringes on our trademarks, please notify us=
so that we can resolve the problem. Many thanks to the individuals who did=
this in the above two cases, one of whom went far beyond the call of duty=20
in helping to track down ISP representatives.
Stephen Martin Lauds a Long Overdue Hero
Greg and I were surprised the other day to realize that our staunch=20
supporter, the most indefatigueable Mark Galeotti, was only a runemaster!=20
Although we recognize and appreciate all the work done by the many people=20
who help and support us, no volunteer puts in as much effort to keep=20
Issaries going as Mark does. In addition to being project coordinator for,=
and one of the main authors of, the Lunar series of books, he is also=20
acquisitions editor, chief merchandizer, and so over-used as a sounding=20
board you would think he was one of Hombobobom's drums! He creates most of=
the art orders for books, writes sections that no one else has energy or=20
inspiration for, and still finds time to consult with interational=20
peace-keeping agencies and keep the real world safe from organized crime!=20
As if that was not enough, Mark also plugs the holes we find in books=20
during layout, writing a paragraph here, half a page there, and generally=20
making sure that HeroQuest and other books are complete. I personally would=
be lost without him. For every beer he owes me, I owe him two.
Accordingly, I, Stephen Martin, am pleased to announce the promotion of=20
Mark Galeotti to Hero, with all the honors and priveleges such rank in the=
Glorantha Trading Association merits. Long may he serve the tribe, and long=
may the tribe honor him.
Other Promotions
We actually did it, or rather Jeff Kyer did: the Glorantha Trading=20
Association actually had a Banquet! A meeting face to face of the tribe at=
GloranthaCon in Toronto. Not only was it a great chance to indulge in=20
things Glorantha, but Issaries and Rick Meints provided preview chapters of=
HeroQuest to all members present.
At the banquet, Greg Stafford thanked some extraordinary volunteers with=20
GTA promotions or memberships. These people have contributed energy, skill,=
great works, and precious time to help Glorantha and HeroQuest to exist and=
grow, with no compensation expected. With these promotions, they receive=20
thanks and the GTA is told of this small token of appreciation.
Hailed as Hero: Jeff Kyer
Regaled as Runemasters: Martin Laurie, Wesley Quadros
Thanks to everyone who continues to volunteer, support conventions or=20
fanzines, or help to bring the light of Glorantha to those still lost in=20
the Great Darkness. Without their assistance, Glorantha would not be on the=
path it is on today. A journey is always easier when there are good=20
companions to aid and be aided by.
Welcome to the still growing GTA Tribe. As of this newsletter, the GTA has=
2 Demi-Gods, 37 Heroes, 46 Runemasters, and 174 Initiates, for a total of=20
259 members. There are also over 800 Observers. If you know anyone else who=
might want to join the Glorantha Tribe, have them contact us.
New Heroes
Mark Galeotti, Jeff Kyer, Chris Lemens.
New Runemasters
Martin Laurie, Wesley Quadros, Takuya Sato, Hiroki Shimizu.
New Initiates
Jason Beresford, Andy Brocklebank, St=E9phane Francois, Chris Holden, Herman=
A. Liebson, Dr. Stuart Mousir-Harrison, Juha Ratilainen, Ra=FAl Fern=E1ndez=
Rielves, Stewart Stansfield, and John Walker.
The HeroQuest has begun, and we are still, still, still out of touch with=20
GTA members away harrying chaotic Lunars, rebellious Orlanthi, banished=20
Bison Riders, or other ne'er-do-wells. If you know of a working email for=20
any of the following GTA members, please send it to <> or=
ask them to contact us:
Britt Daniel Paul Harmaty Michael Hill Andrew Montgomery Al Petterson Michael Pose Phil Posehn Andrew Reichart Don Walli
We have names but no good email addresses for several anonymous members,=20
too. Unless you keep your contact information current, if you are an=20
anonymous member you will regularly miss out on PASSWORD DISTRIBUTIONS,=20
special offers, and all sorts of insider stuff. Even if you are not an=20
anonymous member you may miss out, as the repeat appearances of some of the=
above names shows.
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