Recently, a ship of the damned showed up in Sog City, where we happened to be, which happened to be crewed by Trondling undead. Seems we were needed to fight an invasion of Loskalmi who were intent upon erecting strange sorcerous pillars which rendered our undead kinsmen inert. We don't know why Trond was chosen; perhaps the high concentration of undead played some part, but whatever the reason, the Loskalmi are eraecting tall pillars whereupon they've sacrificed Loskalmi maidens; the resulting effect suppresses any spirits in the area, with unknown benefit to the Loskalmi.
We've been able to disable one pillar, and have fought a Loskalmi work crew of 20+ warriors, 3 sorcerors, and a mammoth successfully, with the aid of the uundead throngs of Trond as allies. This is one of the most exhiliratibng campaigns I have ever been involved with. Let me just also mention that the newest of our partyn members is a Humakti.
Guy (Hoyle)
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