> > >No. Sorcerous Carmanians go to the Black Isle of Introspection where
> > >they dissolve into the Carmanian version of Solace. Theistic
> > >Carmanians do not go to Sword Bridge (that's an Orlanthi version)
> > >but have their own version. I assume they follow the Bat to the
> > >Black Mountain from whence Idojartos leads them to their own God's
> > >home.
> >This is very interesting. Where did you get the info on Carmanian
> >Wizards going to the Black Isle or Carmanian Theists going to the Black
> >Mountain?
> The Black Isle is pretty much standard to all Malkioni being described in
> the Glorantha: Intro p239.
Yes, that is the isle which Mastakos visited for Orlanth ordered him to do so, in "King of Sartar".
> The Black Mountain is part of Pelandan
> mythology and mentioned in the Entekosiad p36 and in p67.
Kralori also have mixed religion and their deads wait ascension of contemporary dragon emperors in Summer Land (Theyela?). Maybe it is common conduit of afterlife for them.
> >I did not know about an Orlanthi Sword Bridge.
> There is a Bridge which bridges the River of Swords in KoS p68.
> I thought that is what you were referring to.
I think Kevin used the image of Zoroastrian Chinvat.
"The dead one would approach the Chinvat Bridge, which crosses to Ahura
Mazda's paradise. Below it hell would yawn. If a man's good deeds outweighed
his bad ones, he would be beckoned onward and could cross the bridge with
ease. But the wicked would find it impossible and topple over into the
regions of punishment."
"0 Mazda Ahura, whosoever, man or woman, gives me those things which you know are the best of existence: reward for truth and power through good thought, and whom I stimulate to glorify those such as you, with all those I will cross over the Account-keeper's Bridge."
End of Glorantha Digest
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