Product Map of Genertela

Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2003 22:11:51 +0900

[TI Note: Though I think David Dunham only expected the condition of Dragonpass Industry....but nonetheless, Efendi's concern is concentrated to Loskalm....]

<<I added manufacturing the map condition of tomorrow, and and cattle raising of Heortland and Mining of Carmania.

*Farming (Yellow Plant Rune)

It is not so difficult to discern the crop basket area if you know proportion of population. If excess of food exists, food cost of that area declines, and the population of the area increases comparing with neighbor areas. (Population is guideline of relativity, not absolute guide.) In such area, we can suppose that crop basket is suitable for farming from climate.

But in commercially developed area, farmers begin to grow cash crops (like cotton, mulberry and sugar) rather than food crops, and such area relies on import of food.

South Loskalm (Appro: 140,0000), Rindland of Seshnela (420,000), Tanisor of Seshnela (350,000), Galin and Helby of Safelster (300,000), South Area of Felster Lake (1,000,000), Esrolia (1,700,000), Darjiin of Peloria (950,000), Sylila of Peloria (400,000), Middle Teshnos (800,000), Jaubon of Kralorela (1,400,000), Puchai of Kralorela (800,000), Boshan (1,500,000)

*Herd Raising (Red Beast Rune)

In the same level of thinking of crop basket, you can understand area of the large pastures, according to climate.

North Loskalm (Around 1,800,000), Janube River Coast (1,900,000), Tinaros and Otkorion of Ralios (800,000), Naskorion (400,000), Heortland (490,000), Lunar South Provinces (800,000), Oronin Lake Valley (Around 900,000), Poralistor River Valley (Around 400,000). Rinliddi and Oraya (1,300,000), Siyang and Hanjan of Kralorela (1,600,000)

*Fishing (Blue Sideway Spirit Rune)

Sewage of Pre-industrial Age from humanity enables fertility of planktons and fishery. So large river mouth from mass-populated area is good place for fishing. (Like Tokyo Bay in Edo Era.)

As in the real condition of today, the mingling sea area of warm current and cold current is good for fishery [Note: Efendi didn't use Missing Land Setting but his original set more attached to RW scheme and physical order, I think it is not so plausible in magical nature of Glorantha, but Efendi might have another design for that ] But such area only exists surrounding sea of Vormain, according to the concept of three currents of Glorantha. {Note: Doom Currents of Homeward?]

And in short summer of North Area, all animal lives try to aggressively activate fully, so in summer north sea, you can expect more effcient fishery games in North Sea rather than that of South. (Like Sea of Araska) But I suppose only Loskalmites commit coastal area fishery for poor cash fishes, which have high navigation technology but always be disturbed with chronic shortage of food.

Yggs Isles Sea (Whale, Herring, Codfish), Ozur Bay (Salmon, Scallop Shell, Spiny Lobster), Pasos Isles (Turbot, Flatfish, Pike-eel, Sardine, Sea Bass, Black Rockfish, Octopus, Abalone Shell, Shortneck Cram....[A]), Felster Lake (Carp and Crucian Carp, etc), Wenelian, Manirian Isles ([A]) , Cholanthor Bay ([A]), Thunder Delta Valley (Seal, Salmon, etc...) Suam Chow ([A]), Vormain ([A]+ Whale and Tuna)

[TI: Of course, you might realise how Japanese and its culture heavily relies on sea fishery even today....]

*Mining (Green Stability Rune)

This is simply a result of reference from Gerald Bosch's note. But I add Brass Mountain of Carmania.

Seshnela, Iron Mountain (Iron), Guhan of Ralios (Lead), Halikiv of Ralios (Lead), Nidan Mountain (Iron), Mislari Mountain (Copper), Wenelia (Gold Dust), Caladraland (Tin), Stormwalk Mountain (Silver), Dwarf Mine of Dragonpass (Iron), Brass Mountain of Carmania (Brass?), Jord Mountain of Peloria (Iron), ShanShan Mountain (Gold), Hachuan Shan of Teshnos (Gold)

*Manufacturing (Purple Fate Rune)

In some Areas developed with mechantile economy in certain level, farmers begin to grow more profitable, cash crops and import food. Manufactured products derived from cash crops through various processes have more high price and uniqueness rather than that derived from direct harvest of field, and it makes the area which produce such the center of surrounding area.

Basically, three types of products above I mentioned are gathered to the "center" of each areas, and products are all consumed / processed or re-exported.

Akem of Fronela (Linen, Shipmaking, Furhide), Safelster (Woolen Goods, Glass), Handra of Maniria (Dye), Esrolia (Woolen Goods, Liquor, Medicine), Dara Happa (Cotton Goods, Furhide, Liquor), Dombain of Teshnos (Cotton Goods), Hum Chang of Kralorela (Silk Goods, Ceramic Ware, Medicine)>>


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