Re: tortilla and tacos

From: David Weihe <>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 13:51:06 -0800 (PST)

> Efendi thinks that East Pelorians and Hon-eels mainly eat
> tortilla made from maize and corn....

Unlikely. The people that Hon-eel taught growing maize formerly grew wheat (Northern Heortlings/Alakorings) and/or rice (Pelorians), and would try to use maize in the same ways as their earlier grains.

Expect corn bread, corn pone, grits, and corn pudding, to replace wheat bread or rice cakes and porridges of various thicknesses. Basically, they will make the same replacements that Southern US lower-class whites
(aka, rednecks, hillbillies, or white trash) did.

If you have distilled liquor in your Glorantha (vital, if Lunars are to drink their gin and tonics! :-) , then this also means replacing good whisk[e]y with bourbon and moonshine (clear corn liquor, with almost no aging, and that in ceramic pots rather than wooden barrels, for those too far from Appalachia).

On the other hand, I would expect something tortilla-like in their original home, KoI, and possibly something similar among more settled Pentans.


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