Reviews are always opinion so I have no desire to
argue it on a point-by-point basis, but we should
remember that humor, the wierd, and the wonderful has
always been a vital part of Gloranthan role-playing.
>From Dark Troll jokes, Geo's Inn, through the accounts
of Skyfall Lake, Trollball, Far Point Roof Sharpeners,
and the Wanderers and Oddballs section of Barbarian
Adventures. This has been a long tradition.
At the macro level of Gloranthan culture and history it has less significance, but at the micro level of gaming - silliness has always been there. After all we game to have fun, and I feel that though our sessions consider serious issues they are better for being leavened by in-jokes, hammy over-acting, and anachronistic jokes. I remember an interview with Greg somewhere where he once said 'my Glorantha is a place of belly laughs' and I hope mine is too. After all Shakespeare had comedy even in his finest tragedies.
Of course YGWV. The point of these examples, I suspect is too encourage you to play Glorantha with a tone and style your group wants be that light-hearted or deadly earnest. If your Glorantha is more darkly poetic than mine, then more power to you - let's share our different stories over a beer.
But then I'm a heretic who welcomed Elmal, Common Magic, and Puma People to his Glorantha.
"Give the kids tools, so they can go build their own houses; not the blueprint of what the houses should be." Tori Amos
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