But, just for the record...
>I tend to agree with Mikko, in that the some of the
>presentation is a bit
>silly for my own taste. I can see why it might be
>done that way, I can see why it
>is useful to demonstrate that you need to loosen up
>sometimes about your
>Glorantha in order to have fun, but the Origami
>girl and sufer dude did jar a bit.
The origami magician got into my fiction when I was in Japan and learned about a sorcerer there who did just that: made origami figures to dohis wicked bidding.
As for the surfer dude: donĀ“t you guys ever get players hwo want to play? I mean PLAY. I hav always had someone who wants to stretch thing, to fool around a little bit and so on. I COULD tell him, "Hey, this is a serious game! Play Right!!" Or I could PLAY the game.
Greg Stafford
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