And I don't grasp enough about difference of Aeolianism and Heortling, aside from quite distinct difference in Game Rule term.....Joerg wrote much about Aeolianism and its ritual, concept of sacrifice turned into Veneration by meat turning into bread. (I don't think this matter is so important for japan scholars of Christianity...)
First, quite distinctly different nature of Glorantha and RW, that Monotheism (Sorcery) Culture is completely from different source to Polytheism (Theism, animism) though new rule of HQ didn't stress much about the difference in "One or Many". (Though I hesitate to call RW Christianity as Henotheism or mix of Mono- and Poly-, though Jews and Muslims have blamed on christian concepts of icons, saint veneration, trinity.....)
Second, Jamie Trotsky Revell made a calendar of Malkionism, that didn't much
connection to seasons (and yearly cycle of climate) unlike RW catholic
Julius or Gregorius calendar, that is firmly attached to the cycle necessary
for farming. (For example, Winter Solstice is Christ's birthday in RW....and
it is the proof that Christianity firmly connected to "Pagan" way before it,
like Mithraism. ) Hrestol didn't die in Autumn Equinox on the contrary of my
(Pentacles: Freeze Day, Illusion Week, Sea Season, Malkonmas: Earth Day,
Fertility Week, Fire Season, Ascension Day of Hrestol?: God Day, Stability
Week, Dark Season)
Third, martyrdom of Hrestol is important in Malkionism, though martyr is not patented article of christians, (NB: Death of Mani (Manichaesm) , Death of Husayn in See below, I can still catch the remnant of Plant God Nature like Adonis or Osiris in the name of Christ. Though in Glorantha, maybe atheistic Brithini might blame other monotheists for their contamination influenced False Gods (ie fallen Angels of Erasanchula.) But gaming term denies Saints seen as "false gods".
Nick Brooke:
<<RW example: "Your saviour, Jesus Christ, was crucified in Judaea. Who
do you blame?"
Fourth, christianity concept of Original Sin is always stressed overly by
Confucians, when they chose words to blame on christians, "you chose Evil as
your own nature, cast out from Eden, so you are Evil. You chose only One Own
God and exclude others, so you are narrow-minded, blurblurblurblur...."
Monotheism approves humility before One God through such
"narrow-mindedness", that might be the concept that despised by Jahiriya
Arabs before Muhammad.....
(As a pragmatic people, we Japanese quite wisely? keep indifferent attitude ( or ignore) other "minority" Monotheism groups, like Jews and Muslims, for they have never been important for its interest of history. And Muslims and Jews NEVER think original sin is common idea for monotheism.....)
<<I will praise the name of the Lord, and his people will tell of his greatness. "The Lord is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways, Your God is faithful and true; But you are unfaithful, unworthy to be his people, a sinful and deceitful nation.>>
Fourth Part is concerned very much by Confucians, for in the end of Warring States Period, Great Debate stormed under the struggle among countries, already in Zhou Dynasty in China, Tien (Miracle Rescue?) and Shens (Gods?) are separated before Warring State Period, as humanists, Chinese philosophers debated. "Human coherent nature, is it good or evil?" In doctorinal point of view of history, once legalists which thinks human nature is EVIL overwhelmed other countries, but its Empire didn't last long....that is the beginning of Han Dynasty, .
Word of Mencius: (Teaching of Mencius later turned into Orthodox Creed of
"Why do I say all human beings have a heart which cannot stand to see the
suffering of others? Even nowadays, if an infant were about to fall into a
well, anyone would be upset and concerned. This concern would not be due to
the fact that the person wanted to get in good with the baby's parents, or
because s/he wanted to improve his/her reputation among the community or
among his/her circle of friends. Nor would it be because he/she was afraid
of the criticism that might result from a show of non-concern."
"From this point of view, we can say that if you did lack concern for the
infant, you would not be human. Also, to lack a sense of shame and disgust
would not be human; to lack a feeling of humility and deference is to be
"in-human" and to lack a sense of right and wrong is to be inhuman."
"The sense of concern for others is the starting point of jen. The feeling
of shame and disgust is the starting point of Righteousness. The sense of
humility and deference is the starting point of Propriety and the sense of
right and wrong is the starting point of Wisdom.">>
Word of Xunzi: (Chinese Legalism is famous for it contributed the foundation
of Unification of All China after Warring States Period, under flag of Qin
Dynasty, but it was later condemned error and heretical by Orthodox
<<In their youth, both Han Feizi and the Legalist Prime Minister Li Si
studied under a prominent Confucian scholar. As you might have guessed, this
scholar was Xunzi, the Confucian who argued that human nature is evil. Han
Feizi and Li Si fully accepted this part of Xunzi's teachings. There was,
however, a major difference in their views of human nature. Xunzi said that
a person's original nature is evil and so it must be modified through strict
training. Han Feizi and the other Legalists did not think this evil original
nature could ever be trained or modified. Humans were self-serving and
anti-social from the time they were born until the time they died, and any
attempt to change this basic nature was futile and misguided. Instead,
rulers should accept that human nature is permanently evil, embrace this
fact, and use it to their advantage.>>
Mikaday and the Daughter of Emerald Fish Lord
<<In the court of Thalurzni, not only mortals, but animal spirits, daimons, ghosts and immortals came to court and given ranks and classes (that is before Vashanti's banishment to many of them from his Web), one of them was Emerald Fish Lord, one of descendants of Thrunhin Dah and ruled the canton of Kuwai Tan River.
Emperor Thalurzni was famous for his difficulty to please (by adulation or bribery) and fairness, but infamous for his strictness and ruthlessness to evil doers, (especially, after his wife Halisayan died, he occasionally showed bad temper to any foolishness.)
One day, Thalurzni's disciples debated about their law and order. And how they should administrate populace. Though firstly Emperor listened their opinions, after Thalurzni was asked his opinion, he showed many cases how humanity looks virtuous is weak against adversity and temptation, and finally concluded,
"Humanity is coherently involves Evil, so we make law and order to fix their
coherent Four Vices, gluttony, weakness in will, vanity and arrogance."
Almost all of Thalurzni didn't show any counter evidence toward his opinion, only Chief Minister of Earth, Mikaday dared to oppose. He said detailing of law only encourage evidoers to seek loophalls.
"All of good Kralori have their own goodness, as you can find the source of
water when you dig a well, but it is difficult to row against current of
water. If an infant nearly fall to that well, any Kralori, even worst of
Greenwood, would advance to catch and rescue him."
"Here is our good case, Emerald Fish Lord, who is famous for his wisdom and
love to his subjects and loyalty to you. The canton lord of North Kuwai Tan
River. His Canton is quite fertile and peaceful, young and lower all
diligently follow their elder and higher. That is his virtue. "
Thalurzni smiled to his valor, but said. "But his wisdom and virtue is merely superficial. I will prove it by teaching my power to him and his weakness. He has a beautiful daughter, famous for her beauty and dance, but I think she is his weak point."
"Try it". Mikaday said. "I will help him and his daughter."
"We can test him." Thalurzni said.
(Plotline: Devil and YHWH (Yob), or Odin and Frigg in Griminismal )
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