> To a few folks;
>I think a few people are forgetting an important fact: Its a game. Its
>okay to have fun at a game. You do remember that some folks don't have
>fun by method acting and/or cultural immersion, right?
>The examples were not written for the die-hard, uber serious, steeped in
>ancient lore gloranthan grognard. They were written to maybe, just
>maybe, make the game more approachable. Y'know, new players? Maybe even
>people new to gaming? The kind that the old guard say they want but
>often end up driving away? Those folks? Yeah.
>As such, a few people on the digest should realize that they were NOT
>the target audience of those examples
>Yeah, I'm a bit irked. I mean, we're not on the Tekumel list, are we?
I've been in deep lurker mode on this list for awhile, but I've got to
agree with Jeff on this.
For quite awhile I was getting VERY serious in my Gloranthan games - lots of deep culture, etc... This was starting to turn my players off and was making gaming more like work for me (I teach history for a living.) The tone of the play examples in HQ did a lot to remind me of the whimsical side of things, and injected energy into my narrating and into the game.
OTOH, I still reserve the immediate death penalty for any Donald/Daffy stuff with the Durulz. I've just heard too much over the years : )
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