A lot of focus has been made in Gloranthan publishing about Heortlings of Sartar.
In the old days (before herowars) I thought that they
were a major culture in Glorantha (analogous Orlanthi
cults "seemed" widespread from Prax to all the
barbarian belt, to Ralios, humakti Carmanians etc.)
but, recently we discover that canon Glorantha says
that Heortling of Sartar are such and such only in
Sartar and only in the XVI century.
Their appeal is unconstestably a publishing one, a
Gloranthophile thing, we could say, but they are just
a trifle in the grand scope of Genertela, let alone
the whole of Glorantha.
A similar example is the Aeolian Church: it has always been highly appealing for Gloranthophiles because it mixed west characteristics with Orlanthi ones.
Pardon the roughness of my terminology, but please try to follow my reasoning.
Now, with herowars/quest, I discover that the Esvulari/Aelioans are a small culture that doesn't even dominate Heortland and that the other stygian churches (mixing of western and barbarian religions, according to RQ3 terminology) are very different (even if the rulesy bits to play them could be similar).
So are the Aeolians of Heortland such a small political reality in western culture, like the heortlings of Sartar are in the theyalan culture?
Are the various "stygian" churches rival and local and substantially unrelated (like Arkati vs Aeolians or like Sartari vs. Ralian Orlanthi) or is there a sort of ecumenic movement of stygian churches that could retrace their common origin, during the hero wars period?
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