This is my understanding: The Rokari influence comes from Rikard, a mercenary and opportunist, and his followers. We know that in 1617 Rikard siezed the throne when the old king died without an heir, founding the Kingdom of Malkonwal. His usurpation of the crown was not widely accepted and short-lived. Fazzur invaded the country in the ensuing chaos, Rikard fled, and the Lunars backed an Esvulari king Bandal Tigerbane.
So in 1621 did the Rokari influence leave Heortland with Rikard? Not all. Many ambitious men simply transferred their loyalty to the new rulers.
In 'Dragon Pass' for example you will find Willelm the Bloody, Earl of Karhend, who opened the gates of Jansholm to Fazzur, surrendering a vital fortress so that he might remain as Earl.
So there are still Rokari in Heortland, but they are what they hav always been: outsiders, mercenaries and adventurers, who may still wield considerable economic, cultural, and military power but have never been a 'native' culture.
Ian Cooper
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