> This is my understanding: The Rokari influence comes
> from Rikard, a mercenary and opportunist, and his
> followers. We know that in 1617 Rikard siezed the
> throne when the old king died without an heir,
> founding the Kingdom of Malkonwal. His usurpation of
> the crown was not widely accepted and short-lived.
> Fazzur invaded the country in the ensuing chaos,
> Rikard fled, and the Lunars backed an Esvulari king
> Bandal Tigerbane.
Rikard reigned from 1617 to 1619 in a country
inhabited by Orlanthi Heortling and Esvulari
The previous (to Rikard) ruler (Uther or Owain) used
Malkioni as mercenaries (obviously) and opposed
Esvulari. He probably also enjoyed a flow of Malkioni
gold but failed his Quest, trying to recover Belintar
from Hell.
The following rulers (Lunars) promote Esvulari, but
tolerate Malkioni rather than Orlanthi.
Is that right?
> So in 1621 did the Rokari influence leave Heortland
> with Rikard? Not all. Many ambitious men simply
> transferred their loyalty to the new rulers.
Backed also by a trading class (in league with western interests), as Simon Bray suggests:
> In my
> Glorantha the Rokari still linger in
> the cities of Heortland, Knight Fort is still under
> their control and they
> serve as mercenaries to several lords. Some Esvulari
> were converted to Rokarism
> and secretly follow this worship.
So the situation *is* not clear.
After 1620, in Heortland there are Malkioni ruling
Esvulari, Esvulari ruling Orlanthi, Esvulari ruling
Malkioni, Malkioni ruling Orlanthi. All happily mixed
and all puppeted by the Lunar Overlords. Ah, and there
are also Orlanthi ruling Orlanthi (in Whitewall)...
> Arlaten as Argrath? First time I see this. I don't
> quite think that
> Orlanthi inclusionism goes that far...
oh, that's a long story. More an (alternate) excuse to justify Arlaten presence in Prax, than a real explanation...
> Neither do I see Arlaten proving his family ties to
> the house of Sartar
> otherwise.
The other way around, IMG. The house of Sartar tries to use even Malkioni Wizard to overthrow the Kunar oppressor.
> Finally, the thought of a Rokari liberator somehow
> doesn't quite make
> sense to me at a time when there are few if any
> Rokari suppressed for
> their creed. Arlaten in Heortland? Maybe.
Maybe Arlaten is a relative of Rikard's and tries to vindicate his fall.
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