Glorantha Ocean and Sea: Kahar

Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 18:20:45 +0900

Hello, this is first time I send you a mail. Mister Martin Hawley:

We have two questions about sea condition of coastal Genertela, one was from Efendi, another is from me and Joerg Baumgartner.

  1. About Cape Kanthor (Efendi)

<<The navigation route between (Handra, Noloswal) and (Northpoint, Southpoint) is troublesome to cross or detour Kanthor Isles, we suppose. horrible Luathans live there and I think that stream current is another factor should be considered. I suppose Neliomi Current bent forcefully by Castle Coast that flows into Homeward and that ships can easily lose control and washed away to Jrustela (or to Magasta's Pool.(TI))

Last time I think Current is more dangerous factor for consideration than purple ship of Luathans that is uncertain presence, and I drew a coastal navigation trade route inside through Kanthor Isles. (But TI think my set a bit under-estimation.) In Genertela Book, iilustration of Quinpolic fleets can be found at southern coast area, and I suppose from it that current sea-going people still like coastal area navigation, and it indicates that they try to catch enemy ships before they can conceal themselves inside of Kanthor channel.

Or, if Quinpolic fleets only care for the blockade against ships trying to go Seshnela through Gilboch, but then why they don't simply try to shut down Gilboch? (lest Fleets of Gilboch isn't so powerful...)

If Luathans are too dangerous, maybe navigation along the Castle Coast is rare, and maybe sailors like to go from Rhis castle to southside of Iron Mountain, and reach to Deu River, go downriver of Tanier.

But is it plausible that going through lines dangerous areas like Aloranit, Iron Mountain and beastmen of Castle Peninsula, and Kanthor Elves through from Rhis to Deu? I am very skeptical this land route. If crossing into north is so dangerous, that is why Quinpolic fleets cannot patrol north coasts for enter Seshnela from sea is only available from Gilboch, just my vague thought.

Of course, we know Dormal went to Loskalm through sea, but he is very unusual person and it is not good route for ordinary sailors. Or if Vadeli can return to western coast of Genertela, maybe Neliomi current is not so dangerous than that of my supposition. (But I secretly guess that Vadeli reached to Oenriko by chance, rather than out of intention. Caught by a strong current.

Then, what is the plausible route?>>

TI's comment:
As usual, Efendi don't induce much supernatural factor to his own Glorantha, and he can't refer articles of Missing Land. But I agree in a sense that Efendi have caught a good point that about level of Gloranthan Navigation technology, danger of Old Seshnela Coasts.

2: Channel of Trowjang and Kralori Fleet (TI and Joerg Baumgartner)

<<Sea of Fog: Stagnant even in Storm Season?>>

While I wrote about LurNop with Joerg Baumgartner, suggested me old post of his.

><<From: Joerg Baumgartner (
>Date: Wed 04 Sep 1996 - 23:28:00 EEST
>Previous message:
>In reply to: Sandy Petersen: "Re: Shamans & Sorcerers & Joerg"


>Still in reply to Sandy
>>>So the 1616 defeat was the only one which had mermen carrying the
>>>sailors ashore?
>>No sailors were carried ashore from the defeat in Kralorela.

>Nor would I have expected that. I have started to write some first and
>second-hand accounts of that battle. My current opiniion is that the Holy
>Country fleet had sailed through the strait between the island of Fanzai
>the jungle of Fethlon, avoiding Kahar's Sea of Mist because of its hostile
>mermen as much as its treacherous winds (or absence thereof). (The Holy
>Country expedition ships were primarily sailed, not rowed. The fleets were
>following Dormal's original designs more closely than the interior seas
>warfleet of oared vessels, which were dependent on Choralinthor's dampening
>influence on the wave action.) Coming out of the strait between Lur Nop in
>the province of Wanzow and the continental province of Boshan, the fleet
>sailed inland seas for several months, and had no "Open Seas" rituals
>when the Kralori navy sallied forth and engaged the Kethaelans with their
>zombie-rowed warbarges.

>The prevailing wind must have blown mostly from the south that day, given
>the fact that the Kethaelan sailors were able to enter the Suam Chow
>(Kralori inland sea). The Kralori barges, combining oar and sail, were able
>to maneuver without regard for the wind or unknown shallows, since they
>on their home turf (well, surface) and had tireless rowers. The Kethaelan
>fleet lost most of their ships in the first contact, unable to evade the
>attack. They lost more than an Orlanthi "all" of their vessels to the
>towering, stronger crewed, unfatigued and magically superior ships of the
>Kralori. The few ships which managed to avoid ship-to-ship contact with the
>first wave turned east, towards the open sea, using what wind they had.

>Of the surviving dozen ships, I suppose half ran aground and was taken by
>the pursuing Kralori fleet. Four or five vessels may have made it through
>the strait between the islands of Fanzai and Zon Am into the open Sea of

>>Though I don't think Kethaelans invaded to Suam Chow from Yellow
>>Channel...(Sorry, I madeup the name of strait.)

<<I don't think that they'd have survived the Kahar Fog all the way to Lur Nop. Compare Magellan's first circumnavigation of South America - through a very narrow and adverse channel between Patagonia and the mainland, the Magellan Strait - rather than taking the (then unknown, of course) route south of Kap Hoorn.>>

My footnote for LurNop:
<<*Climate of Kralorela
But is actually Sea of Fog always in the mouth of Suam Chow? Though there is no description of climate in Genertela Book as Missing Lands, I think the boundary of Sea of Fog moving throughout year. If Kralorela is China and Vormain is Japan parallel, the temperature and weather are very fickle and changing with moisture, as RW. Especially in Typhoon Season. (See Missing Land: Teleos) And in Clearburst, I am skeptical Fog cam remain inside of it.

My opinion about Kralorelan (and Vormaino) Climate is battle between Kahar and Veldru, versus Orlanth (Serakaru) and Bitador, please read the mythology of Kahar and Harantara, Kahar said "So what?" to Mashunasan and learned only Perfect Stillness (Nenduren?), so they always suffer (enjoy?) fickleness of nature and care about the cycle of seasons carefully comparing to East Islanders (guarded by Mashunasan's blessing). (See Revealed Mythologies)

Maybe Kethaelans were destroyed by another reason. (I think Sea of Fog is mainly of Dark Season and Storm Season in Kralorela....)>>

Then, is the channel similar to Magellan Strait....or coastal area of East Asia nations?

Any comments welcomed.



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