According to HtWWO he invited the Rokari Bishop of Nochet, Vancelain du Tumerine to become Bishop of Malkonwal (spreading the influence of both the Rokari Church and the Nolos trader princes hand in hand)
> His usurpation of
>the crown was not widely accepted and short-lived.
>Fazzur invaded the country in the ensuing chaos,
>Rikard fled, and the Lunars backed an Esvulari king
>Bandal Tigerbane.
Vancelain fled back to Nochet when Richard was captured by the Lunars, allowing the Aeolian Church to reassert itself.
>So in 1621 did the Rokari influence leave Heortland
>with Rikard? Not all. Many ambitious men simply
>transferred their loyalty to the new rulers.
And if Vancelain persuades the Rokari to declare a crusade to rescue
Malkonwal then undoubtably many will switch back again
>So there are still Rokari in Heortland, but they are
>what they hav always been: outsiders, mercenaries and
>adventurers, who may still wield considerable
>economic, cultural, and military power but have never
>been a 'native' culture.
...And traders. Although Vancelain left, I'm sure the Du Tumerines still have trading partners left behind.
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