>but what I
>meant was that it would be nice if there was some way of being a wizard
>that did not require you to be a liturgist as well and chained to a parish or
>cathedral heirarchy
Wizards are not required to be Liturgists. If you really want a "wizard" that is not part of the Rokari social order, then such people are called sorcerers. They are tolerated in Seshnela so long as they keep a low profile and don't do anything outrageous (given that the Rokari also tolerate the Vadeli, the sorcerers still have considerable lattitude for nonconformist behaviour).
>I was thinking of a category of cleric who could fulfil some of the roles
>occupied by RW medieval clergy, such as most of the senior civil service
>positions, ambassadors, chancellors and court hangers on etc.
That's the responsibility of the Lord's Caste. The Wizards are restricted to doing the paperwork while the Lords make all the decisions.
> > AFAIK Rokari clergy are celibate and do not marry. There has been
> > speculation in the past about baby wizards being made at the nunneries
> > through the strenuous activities of the Father Superiors.
>Nice idea, but seriously there is a conflict between the lack of caste
>mobility and the celibacy of the Rokari clergy.
And the above explains it.
>My idea for orders of peasants was for peasant monks to fill the role of the
>orders of RW lay brothers and sisters who eventually gave rise to such
>heresies as The Free Spirit, the Fraticelli and some of the veins of
>protestantism such as Anabaptism and very ultimately the Levellers and
IMO such movements are more suited to Ralios where every town has its own heresy. Rokarism is Evil Papistry writ large.
--Peter Metcalfe
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