Just to put my oar in the water on a couple of issues here.
>but what I
>meant was that it would be nice if there was some
>way of being a wizard that
>did not require you to be a liturgist as well and
>chained to a parish or
>cathedral heirarchy
There is.
Independant order exist even in the Rokai stronghold of Seshnela. Of course, they are going to suffer badly in the upcoming inquisition of the area.
SO if you don´t want your character burned at the stake, then start him in Ralios where suchorders are widespread.
>I was thinking of a category of cleric who could
>fulfil some of the roles
>occupied by RW medieval clergy, such as most of the
>senior civil service
>positions, ambassadors, chancellors and court
>hangers on etc.
In Seshnela, these guys are coming under the control of the church. In other places they are in various orders, some official andsome independant.
>> AFAIK Rokari clergy are celibate and do not
>marry. There has been
>> speculation in the past about baby wizards being
>made at the nunneries
>> through the strenuous activities of the Father
Of course this sort of abuse exists in Rokari lands, and will of course be stomped out by the inquisition. I want to remind everyone that there is ALWAYS a conflict between the ideal and the actual, or the ideal nad the practical, even in Glorantha.
>Nice idea, but seriously there is a conflict
>between the lack of caste
>mobility and the celibacy of the Rokari clergy.
The caste system isn´t absolute, of course. The clergy, just like in medeval Europe, are drawn form every possible source. It is, like in Europe, the best route for independant-minded, iontelligent folks to get OUT of their caste and get ahead.
>> Money and corruption is better suited to the
>Church of Nolos rather than
>> Seshnela.
>Fair enough, but I feel this kind of arrangment
>would not be out of place in
>Seshnela proper
I agree. Abuses exist.
>> I prefer to think of Monasticism as a form of
>magic practice
>> from wizardry and liturgy. Monasticism is
>ceaseless devotion to the
>> and renunciation of wordly magics and powers.
>Monks shun spells and
>> blessings (and even Joy) because they are pallid
>derivatives of the One
>> Being.
Some monks work this way. Monkish organizations are organized as Orders. There are a lot of different types. Some are not going to make the upcoming cut, of course, others will just flee to Ralios, and others are already flourishing there.
>There may be communities that reject Joy where the
As a Rule, the entire Rokari Church rejects Joy. Anyone who practidces it is going to be subject to the inquisition.
Greg Stafford
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