>Fair enough, I could see wizard orders being subject to the odd inquisition
>to make sure they are not veering off into hertical practices, but what I
>meant was that it would be nice if there was some way of being a wizard that
>did not require you to be a liturgist as well and chained to a parish or
>cathedral heirarchy.
I'd agree: not all Seshnegi wizards are liturgists. The secular Orders
of Wizardry are, nonetheless, IMO overseen by the Church (and watched by
the Inquisition - but then, who isn't?) even if their members are not
themselves clergy.
>>>> >Clerics of the wizard caste have
>>>> >limited sorcery, but of a broad type drawn from several saint's lives.
>>> According to HQ, these are orderlies and most stick with one saint.
>Orderlies? All in an order of some kind? Could be fun, with much politicking
>between orders as to whose chief magi/abbot whatever gets the Bishopric.
There would be, indeed. Although the number of approved saintly orders
in Seshnela these days is shrinking fast...
>I was thinking of a category of cleric who could fulfil some of the roles
>occupied by RW medieval clergy, such as most of the senior civil service
>positions, ambassadors, chancellors and court hangers on etc.
There's no reason that those people wouldn't also be orderlies - in the
same way that the king's advisors in Sartar are probably devotees and
>My idea for orders of peasants was for peasant monks to fill the role of the
>orders of RW lay brothers and sisters who eventually gave rise to such
>heresies as The Free Spirit, the Fraticelli and some of the veins of
>protestantism such as Anabaptism and very ultimately the Levellers and
>Ranters. Initially welcomed by the church as workers in charitable
>enterprises such as almshouses and hospitals they eventually started asking
>awkward questions about the established social order and being relatively
>uneducated and undoctrinated they got into some very free thinking.
Such people would make a fine hero band, IMO. It wouldn't be popular
with the authorities, but that's kind of the point, so I shouldn't think
that would stop them.
>And monastic knight orders would of course be the Templars and Hospitallers.
>I would not see all monastic orders rejecting engagement with society
>either, but a spectrum of views, ranging from the classic Benedictine style
>of owning vast tracts of land and using the proceeds to run libraries and
I don't see this within Seshnela so much. Nolos, maybe, or even
Safelster. But YGWV :)
-- Trotsky Gamer and Skeptic ------------------------------------------------------ Trotsky's RPG website: http://www.ttrotsky.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/ --__--__--
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