>From: "Barry Blatt" <bblatt_at_ntlworld.com>
>Greg:> As a Rule, the entire Rokari Church rejects Joy. Anyone who
>practidces it is going to be subject to the inquisition.
>Hang on, I thought that you could only get into Solace if you followed
>Malkions caste laws to the letter, and thus to live any kind of life less
>hidebound and dull than a Brithini's you had to believe in Joy. Now if I
>have the theology straight, interpretations of how a believer in Joy can
>bend the rules will differ from sect to sect, and Rokarism is on the strict
Life is supposed to be hidebound and dull - Solace is the after life reward for working hard and knowing your place. Joy is an experience of Solace while still alive so is by definition suspect. That the experience is not entirely controlled by the clergy makes it anathema to a strict church like the Rokari. At the other extreme there must be a sect which regularly and routinely invokes Joy at their services. That sect will have a much looser hierarchy with individual liturgists having more power and endless arguments over the precise meaning of the Abiding Book.
-- Donald Oddy http://www.grove.demon.co.uk/ --__--__--
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