>The Destori hero killed Garreth in a regular duel, not
>secretly and not cowardly. He (and only him)
>discovered his chaos allegiances, but there was
>another Orlanthi chieftain (NPC), Degan Stormson, who
>witnessed the duel, uncertain whom to aid but sure
>that Garreth appeared suddenly mad and murderous.
Given that the campaign takes place in Pavis, the only proper authorities are the Lunars and Pavis city authorities. There's no tribal or clan authority capable of handing out judgements (and Pavis is too lawless to respect them even if they existed).
Secondly where did the duel take place? If within the rubble, then the only way any court will get involved is if somebody makes a complaint to the authorities
>Legally, I presume, the Destori should have proved to
>a court Garreth's sin, so he could be outlawed and
>slain (after a vain cure attempt).
Legally the Lunars do not believe that being tainted with chaos merits the death penalty. The city courts might be more sympathetic but they are unlikely to accept that as a defence for fear of retribution by the Lunars.
>BUT, I think, as in KOS page 176-177 (Argrath kills a
>traitor and then "purifies himself"), the Destori has
>to make amend for his killing.
The traitor was part of Argrath's band. Is Garreth part of the Destori's band or merely an NPC? The latter does not warrant purification.
>He has to pay a thane weregild (50 cows) to Garreth's
>kin, prove to a jury his self-defense intent (not
>difficult, he has a witness, Degan), prove Garreth
>allegiance to chaos (more difficult, but not
>impossible) and finally "purify".
Pavis doesn't have a jury and even if they did, the Lunars would not allow primitive legal proceedings to deal with such serious matters when their enlightened tribunals are readily available to deal impartially with such matters.
Secondly the issues:
If it was self-defence, then there is no penalty under Lunar or City Law. Garreth shouldn't have attacked the Destori and his kin deserve nothing.
Under heortling law, deaths in battle are excluded from weregild (TR p42) and I presume deaths from duels are also exempt.
Why should he purify himself? Killing isn't against Orlanth's laws.
>Finally, is the Destori kin to the Storm Voice who
>initiated him, according to heortling law?
No. Kinship is primarily through family and clan ties. One can acquire kinship through many ways (such as marriage) but mere initiation alone is not sufficient.
--Peter Metcalfe
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