By the way, it is absolutely coincidental that Garreth's initials are G.S., right?
In particular I liked these parts:
> >and finally "purify".
> It is important to be purfied after any act which
> tants a person, not just with chaos but with any
> social stigma, and even with any unusual action. It
> is even common for Heortlings to be purified of
> killing enemies in a legitimate battle. It is
> necessary for women to be purified after birthing a
> child. Why? Because thee kinds of actions bring an
> unusual kind of energy into a person, and to have
> "childbirth energy" in a non childbirth situation
> can cause problems.
> Where I agree with Peter is that Pavis has no
> _single_
> source of political authority, apart from Lord
> Pavis'
> own extremely punctual, even-handed, illuminant,
> vague, arcane, secret, divine interventions, so that
> the real freedom of the place does in most cases
> look more like simple lawlessness and/or radical
> parochialism.
> OTOH Pavis is also a place where Green Age
> forces are alive and kicking, so that eventually,
> any actions against the harmony of the EWFey
> ideals of the place may invite some sort of
> exclusion,
> opprobrium, and retribution.
> AKA the GM ... ;-)
Julian about kinship:
> I generally agree with Peter, but this is something
> that can vary from clan to clan. One common
> exception is that it's not uncommon for groups
> of initiands to create a bond of brothership
> between them, as a common theme of
> PC-group-related campaign-building ... :-)
> But the basic answer, as Peter suggests, is no.
> Ask yourself instead : Did the Destori and
> the Storm Voice establish a kinship relationship
> during the initiation Quest or not ?
> Most likely not, but YGWV.
> Argarth's position is a little different - he is a
> leader who has to
> kill a follower. The legally correct response would
> be outlawry
> but for political reasons not a good idea. Argarth
> therefore needs
> to show that he regrets not following the law
> strictly. I would think
> the purification is a minor Orlanth Rex heroquest as
> it is something
> chieftains find it necessary to do at times.
Chris (well OOT, but too funny not to be thanked)
Really you sang "Malkonwal" on the tune of London's
High sanity loss involved, I presume...
>(and found out that the
Is the definition of 'perfect women' universally
widespread in RW and in Glorantha, or is that a
Texan/trondling thing?
> Of course, Garrath's kin are still likely to want
> retribution from the
> kin of your Destori. To use a (forced) modern
> analogy, this is a
> matter of civil law (compensation) not criminal law.
> Or he can go for broke, and attempt to prove that
> Garrath was a
> servant of the Predark. If he manages that, then
> not only will he not
> have to pay any wergild but the court might even
> give him a reward
> (taken from Garrath's kin, of course!) for
> performing a public
> service. But if he fails, then he's guilty of
> slandering his dead
> opponent and might be looking at the 5 years'
> outlawry on top of the
> 50 cows wergild!
> Unless, of course, Garrath's corruption by Chaos was
> all part of a
> cunning long-term Lunar plot, in which case all bets
> are off. :)
No, luckily no AFAIK.
That was Potonis doing, even if not entirely
consciously because Vampires are never free willed
individuals (but who is, anyway?): they are slaves of
their appetites at least.
End of Glorantha Digest
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