>It is important to be purfied after any act which tants a person, not just with chaos but with any social stigma, and even with any unusual action. It is even common for Heortlings to be purified of killing enemies in a legitimate battle. It is necessary for women to be purified after birthing a child. Why? Because thee kinds of actions bring an unusual kind of energy into a person, and to have "childbirth energy" in a non childbirth situation can cause problems.
Another point to consider here is that, as greg said earlier, just
joining a heortling cult does not make one a heortling. This was said in
reference to legal issues, but it applies to customs as well IMHO. The
character in question was born and raised a Carmanian, and I believe
that Carmanians are more concerned with purification than most people.
They have elaborate rules for what actions and circumstances bring
impurity, and the proper ways to cleanse the taint. Killing and Chaos
certainly fall into this category.
So... the Carmanian Garreth-slayer might feel completely justified in his actions, but seriously tainted none-the-less. In the old country, he would go to the local temple and his viziers would help him to wash away the taint of killing and chaos. Even if he has turned his back on the religion of his birth (which is not necessarily the case) he is probably still influenced by a lifetime of social conditioning. This could be a source for some nice dramatic emotional conflict. What does he do out here in the Idovanus forsaken wilderness? Perhaps he desperately seeks a vizier who has relocated to the Zola Fel valley. Can he find one? Perhaps he consults the Destor priests, who don't completely understand his concerns, and offer suggestions that don't seem proper. Might their suggestions only make things worse? Sounds entertaining to me!
~Kevin McD
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